Expository Preaching
Lesson OneWorlds of the Expositor: The Ancient World4 Activities
Lesson TwoWorlds of the Expositor: The Modern World3 Activities
Lesson ThreeWorlds of the Expositor: The Particular World4 Activities
Lesson FourWorlds of the Expositor: The Expositor's World3 Activities
Lesson FiveDefining Expository Preaching: Part I4 Activities
Lesson SixDefining Expository Preaching: Part II3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Anatomy of an Idea: Subject and Complement4 Activities
Lesson EightStating the Idea of a Verse3 Activities
Lesson NineStating the Idea of Larger Units of Thought3 Activities
Lesson TenUnity, Order, and Progress4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ElevenThree Developmental Questions4 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part I3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part II4 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part III3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Developmental Questions and Your Congregation4 Activities
Lesson SixteenDeveloping the Sermon's Homiletical Idea4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenClarifying the Sermon's Purpose3 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part I4 Activities
Lesson NineteenThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part II3 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part III3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 147
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Tagged: HR504-01
Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.
Paul Winkelman replied 1 day, 15 hours ago 40 Members · 41 Replies
Today’s culture involves a “microwave” or “fast food” way of thinking. And this lack of patience and perseverance might affect biblical interpretation.
In keeping with the theme of the lesson, as a true expository preacher, the goal is to bridge the ancient world to the modern world. As such I am looking for parallels between the world of the Bible and our culture. So for me, one of our biggest issues is social media and how we cling to it. It influences many people even more than the Bible. What in the ancient world is akin to this? What can I pull from the Bible that speaks to this in our culture. Additionally, there are things that are safer in our culture then they were in the ancient world of the Bible. For example as the lecturer discussed, co- signing on a promissory note. I’m less apt to avoid this understanding the differences in our culture versus the ancient biblical culture.
I take the words of the Bible literally and exact , .Today’s culture only highlight the words and prophecy of the Bible.
People with their devices have grown short attention spans and only respond to the immediate needs before them. We as those that teach need to make sure we are presenting truths that can clearly be seen as applicable in their lives to counter that.
In today’s culture we tend to misuse scripture or use it out of context to suit our particular circumstance/s.
At times it is difficult to apply the WORD because it does not seem to align with our current society; family lineage for example was very important in ancient society and not as important in our world today. We tend to not honor our elders and at time ‘make our own family’ by piecing together individuals that are like minded and call them family.
As I look a bit deeper at the ‘make you own family’ statement, I can see Jesus forming a family with the 12 apostles and then extending the invitation to all the world. That last thought seems to be a way to bridge the old testament with today’s view of family.