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Expository Preaching

  1. Lesson One
    Worlds of the Expositor: The Ancient World
    4 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Worlds of the Expositor: The Modern World
    3 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Worlds of the Expositor: The Particular World
    4 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    Worlds of the Expositor: The Expositor's World
    3 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Defining Expository Preaching: Part I
    4 Activities
  6. Lesson Six
    Defining Expository Preaching: Part II
    3 Activities
  7. Lesson Seven
    The Anatomy of an Idea: Subject and Complement
    4 Activities
  8. Lesson Eight
    Stating the Idea of a Verse
    3 Activities
  9. Lesson Nine
    Stating the Idea of Larger Units of Thought
    3 Activities
  10. Lesson Ten
    Unity, Order, and Progress
    4 Activities
    1 Assessment
  11. Lesson Eleven
    Three Developmental Questions
    4 Activities
  12. Lesson Twelve
    The Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part I
    3 Activities
  13. Lesson Thirteen
    The Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part II
    4 Activities
  14. Lesson Fourteen
    The Developmental Questions in the Bible: Part III
    3 Activities
  15. Lesson Fifteen
    The Developmental Questions and Your Congregation
    4 Activities
  16. Lesson Sixteen
    Developing the Sermon's Homiletical Idea
    4 Activities
  17. Lesson Seventeen
    Clarifying the Sermon's Purpose
    3 Activities
  18. Lesson Eighteen
    The Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part I
    4 Activities
  19. Lesson Nineteen
    The Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part II
    3 Activities
  20. Lesson Twenty
    The Motivating Sequence of a Sermon: Part III
    3 Activities
  21. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Christian Learning Center Forums Tell of several ways in which today’s culture affects the way you view the Bible.


  • Gildas ange clyve Mamona madzou

    01/18/2022 at 06:05

    Today’s culture is deeply based on the scientific knowledge and rational mind, that it creates some doubt and defiance towards the Bible.
    Yet I still hold on the Bible truths to shape and direct my life and conduct.

  • Jamey Perkins

    01/07/2022 at 21:29

    I think that today’s culture tries to use individual Bible verses, out of context, in order to discredit us as Christian’s. Example: A while backI was talking to someone who bragged themselves as a non believer. When I tried to explain to them the consequences of not following the teachings in the Bible, they snapped back with “Judge not lest ye be judged!” They clearly have a clouded understanding of the verse, and only knows it so the6 can try to defend their non beliefs.

    Culture today tends to force us all into the position of feeling like we must defend the intentions of the Bible. Fewer people today spend time reading the Bible as a whole. Instead, they pick a verse here and there, and they use those verses as a weapon against us. It changes the way we must view the Bible as a teaching tool.

  • Mabel Jefferson

    01/06/2022 at 12:18

    I believe that today many people discount the values of the Bible. They think that they can rely on their education, who they know, and the amount of money they have to succeed in life. They depend to themselves rather the principles of the Bible for their life’s success. Today’s culture really need to get back to the basic that the Bible teach us. These Bible truths must never be altered or watered down but taught in manner that can reach today’s culture.

  • Evon Belflower

    01/04/2022 at 20:42

    Todays culture affects the way people view the Bible in several ways. Our culture has changed throughout the centuries. Our culture affects the way people live and believe the Bible tells us how to live and love one another. Our culture has turned away from the Bible through the years, just like Adam & Eve did in the Garden with Gods commands. Our culture changes through government policies and rules.
    Because of COVID,people have become unfaithful to God in going to church because they’re listened to and adapted to what the culture was doing around them. The culture has a big part in how our world is deteriorating in a spiritual sense, forgetting Gods standards and living what is most satisfying and gratifying to oneself.

    • Donald J Biddy

      08/22/2023 at 13:06

      Despite the philosophy and false ideology which glorifies man and denies God or the Biblical teaching of the person and work of God. We must proclaim the truth of God , sin and salvation. We like Paul must proclaim the truth of the Christ and His salvation and man’s need to repent without compromise .

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