Ten Reasons to Believe in the Christian Faith
Lesson OneThe Credibility of Its Founder5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoThe Reliability of Its Book, the Bible5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeIts Explanations for Life5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourIts Continuity with the Past5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveIts Foundational Claim of Resurrection5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixIts Power to Change Lives5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenIts Analysis of Human Nature5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightIts View of Human Achievement5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineIts Impact on Society5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenIts Offer of Salvation5 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 387
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › At the beginning of this program we learned: “People have many reasons for rejecting the Christian faith. Some may admire Christ but dislike His followers. Others find it difficult to accept any faith that claims to be the only way to God. Why would anyone limit themselves to only one of the world’s great religions?” How valid are each of these objections? What is your response to each?
Tagged: CA201-01
At the beginning of this program we learned: “People have many reasons for rejecting the Christian faith. Some may admire Christ but dislike His followers. Others find it difficult to accept any faith that claims to be the only way to God. Why would anyone limit themselves to only one of the world’s great religions?” How valid are each of these objections? What is your response to each?
Karen Wilhelm replied 1 month, 1 week ago 110 Members · 112 Replies
These objections make sense coming from the world’s point of view, but are not valid.
Disliking Christ’s followers (or Christians) stems from hypocrisy that comes from being human. As a human, who isn’t perfect, we make mistakes. Sometimes these are large and in the public eye. Those moments, paint a picture of Christianity that isn’t a true picture of who Christ is.
A person would limit themselves to one religion because Jesus is the only one in all religions to show that He is who He said He is. He is “the way, the truth and the life”. The only way, truth and life.
A reason someone might limit themselves to only one of the world’s great religions is that they offer comfort and truth. When one believes in a higher power, such as Jesus Christ, they put their faith into something bigger than themselves. They need not worry about the petty problems on this world because their hope is found in an eternal God that promises an aterlife of complete and utter joy. For example, when one chooses to follow Jesus and accept Him as their Savior, they no longer have to put their hope in this world. Christianity promises salvation when you accept Jesus as your God and Savior. It is not “limiting” but instead FREEING when one chooses to follow Jesus Christ.
If one truly studies the Scriptures and sees how Jesus’ life on earth fulfilled all that was foretold of Messiah coming and how He would die, one cannot deny the truth. The fact that there are so many prophecies in Scripture that were fulfilled show that this did not happen by chance. Jesus was foretold of being born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, suffering on the cross, being the eternal king of which His reign would never end, etc. All of these were written by different authors at different times in History yet they all were fulfilled in Christ. If those Pharisees had really read the Old Testament Scriptures, they would have seen it too! Because of the life Jesus lived, HE is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. Truly, no one can earn their way to heaven through different religions. Jesus had to COME DOWN to us – Emmanuel – God With Us. The Lord spoke of this all through the Old Testament.
Religion around the world asks, “Why is Christianity the only way to salvation?” Nevertheless, based on the Bible, I am saying that Jesus is the only way to salvation. In today’s expansion of pluralism, the responsibility of our Christians is great.
I do think that non-Christians have a somewhat distorted view of Christianity itself, and so that may affect their views of Christians. Some that admire Christ, admire Him for reasons that are not grounded in truth, but conjecture. When they take that distorted view of Christ and try to apply it to Christians, they don’t line up correctly. Some may admire Christ for his example without context, and this also distorts the view of a Christian. Others love the notion that we are to love everyone, but they don’t acknowledge the other parts of the Christian faith. Sin is not a part of some people’s view of Christ’s teachings, but it is in their view of Christ followers.
The exclusivity of only one way to God does turn some people away from Christianity. If there is only one way, they cannot fathom how that can be fair or just. If there is only one way won’t some people be left behind? If you don’t want to follow along with all of the teachings of Christianity, some may feel Christ is playing favorites, and only allowing certain people to seek and find Him.
Though there are many world religions, only one will get you to God. If you study the great religions of the world, you may find things you like in each. However, these religions don’t have Jesus. They do not have someone who claims to be God, nor do they have someone willing to die for them. None of the other religions want a relationship with their followers. Jesus wants us.
Though I understand that each of these objections may have valid points, Jesus overtakes all the objections. His actions speak louder than any statement that could ever be made by any of the other world religions.