The Da Vinci Code – Separating Fact From Fiction
Lesson OneWhere Did The Bible Come From? - Part I5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoWhere Did The Bible Come From? - Part II5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeHas The Bible Been Corrupted? - Part I5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourHas The Bible Been Corrupted? - Part II5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveWas Jesus Just A Man? - Part I5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixWas Jesus Just A Man? - Part II5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenThree Marys Jesus Loved - Part I5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightThree Marys Jesus Loved - Part II5 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 77
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Mart De Haan stated that The Da Vinci Code casts doubt on the reliability of the Bible: “When I first read The Da Vinci Code, I could see immediately why it had been on the New York Times’ bestselling fiction list for some time. It’s a gripping suspense-filled murder mystery, and it’s controversial: it claims a basis in fact that, if believed as presented, would contradict the story line of the Bible and give us a radically different Jesus. One of the main characters, a fictional Harvard professor, lends an upscale air of credibility to [Dan Brown’s] claims that the real truth about the Bible’s origin has been a carefully guarded secret of the church.” Why would those who have not looked into its historical development readily accept allegations against the Bible? What would be a more truthful and appropriate response to these anti-Bible claims?
Tagged: CA209-01
Mart De Haan stated that The Da Vinci Code casts doubt on the reliability of the Bible: “When I first read The Da Vinci Code, I could see immediately why it had been on the New York Times’ bestselling fiction list for some time. It’s a gripping suspense-filled murder mystery, and it’s controversial: it claims a basis in fact that, if believed as presented, would contradict the story line of the Bible and give us a radically different Jesus. One of the main characters, a fictional Harvard professor, lends an upscale air of credibility to [Dan Brown’s] claims that the real truth about the Bible’s origin has been a carefully guarded secret of the church.” Why would those who have not looked into its historical development readily accept allegations against the Bible? What would be a more truthful and appropriate response to these anti-Bible claims?
Gail Bradley replied 5 months ago 23 Members · 22 Replies
People will accept anything if it sounds good. And many people have a hard time with the concept of a man being fully God and fully man, so the concept of Jesus being an actual triune figure, is really far from a lot of people’s reach and belief. People would find it easier to believe that Jesus was a man, married to someone, living a mortal life. I believe that the more truthful and appropriate response would be to encourage people to research, honest research finding the information that backs up the Bible as a true and living book.
There are many false teachings. It is critical to look at the source, backgound and do your own research. Let the HS guide you
A more truthful and appropriate response to these anti-Bible claims is to say, “I am going to do research about The Da Vinci Code, so I will really know the truth.”
For years after the book, and then the movie about the book, came out, I refused to read or watch anything that had to do with it. I have studied the Bible for the all of my 74 years (yes, the Bible was read to me as an infant by my family) and I will now and forever stand on the truth that Scripture was inspired by God and written down by men under the inspiration of God. As a proof to this I present what John Wesley had to say:
“The Bible must be the invention either (1.) of good men or angels, (2.) of bad men or devils, or (3.) of God.
It could not be the invention of good men or angels; they neither would nor could make a book, and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying, “Thus says the Lord,” when it was their own invention.
It could not be the invention of bad men or devils; for they would not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sin, and condemns their souls to hell to all eternity.
Therefore, I draw this conclusion, that the Bible must be given by divine inspiration. ”John Wesley
The Bible is real and true and as Paul stated “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” 2 Timothy 3:16 -
A Harvard professor, fictional or real, to most is a legit source of information. Why would someone question a person of the level of intellect of a Harvard professor. Again, it is easier to rely on what is TOLD to you by a person who seems qualified than it is to actually do your own research and form your own understanding. To understand and know truth, you must seek.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Richard Abanes said, “First and foremost, The Da Vinci Code is a historical fiction book. It’s primarily for entertainment. ‘It’s a ripping good story’ as one reviewer said, and so people are primarily being entertained by good characters, fast action. But what makes it historical fiction is the story, which is supposedly set against the backdrop of real history, true things that happened. And this is partly why I think it has become so popular. People believe that what the book is talking about actually took place in space and time.” Why is it difficult to separate fact from fiction in a novel that claims to be based on history? What would someone need to do to test the truth claims of a historical novel?
Tagged: CA209-01
Richard Abanes said, “First and foremost, The Da Vinci Code is a historical fiction book. It’s primarily for entertainment. ‘It’s a ripping good story’ as one reviewer said, and so people are primarily being entertained by good characters, fast action. But what makes it historical fiction is the story, which is supposedly set against the backdrop of real history, true things that happened. And this is partly why I think it has become so popular. People believe that what the book is talking about actually took place in space and time.” Why is it difficult to separate fact from fiction in a novel that claims to be based on history? What would someone need to do to test the truth claims of a historical novel?
Gail Bradley replied 5 months ago 11 Members · 10 Replies
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