Lesson 1, Activity 5

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospel narratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” What might be the basis for their personal convictions concerning miracles?


  • During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospel narratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” What might be the basis for their personal convictions concerning miracles?

    Veronica Sanchez replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 50 Members · 49 Replies
  • Chloe Wilson Langford

    07/12/2024 at 14:08

    Miracles happen all the time, are they as dramatic as turning water into wine, no. Miracles happen big and small, God’s power is so great. Everyones relationship with God is different along with our beliefs and convictions.

  • Leong

    06/28/2024 at 02:42

    Those people haven’t seen a real miracle in their lives, and probably don’t believe that one can occur. So all they identify as miracle figuratively is anything that causes a sense of wonder, like watching a sunset.


  • Martha Merritt

    04/28/2024 at 14:18

    The people of Tiberias seem to be speaking of the “worldly” definition of a miracle. A miracle being something that evokes great emotion. But when we speak of Jesus’ miracles, we are speaking of occurrences that do not follow the law of the natural world.

  • Emma Grewell

    04/05/2024 at 16:55

    A majority of the time people have a hard time living in light of Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we don’t see”. They think that maybe one day it could have happened but can’t believe that if they haven’t seen it it could still be possible. However, faith is truly believing that God is able whether you’ve seen it or not. For most seeing is believing but for the follower of Jesus-not seeing is where the real faith takes place!

  • Kelly Sumner

    03/19/2024 at 14:14

    I have seen miracles all my life, from the time I was a child. They were not like the parting of the Red Sea or raising someone from the dead, but they were impactfull to me. I myself was healed when my parents were told I would not live. God has done so many miracles in my life that I have no doubt He is all powerful and God. I think people who have seen or had a mircale in their lives are more likely ot have strong personal convictions concerning miracles.

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Christian Learning Center Forums During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospelnarratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” Do you agree with the responses of the people interviewed?


  • During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospelnarratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” Do you agree with the responses of the people interviewed?

    Kim Teck Pua replied 3 weeks ago 30 Members · 29 Replies
  • Emma Grewell

    04/05/2024 at 17:01

    Yes and No-I think that it is absolutely a miracle that we live and breath everyday we’re on Earth. We can’t discount that or take that for granted. However, I do think it waters down the gospel and power of God to say that what happened in the Bible can’t or won’t happen today. Isaiah 40:28 says “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom”. We may not physically understand why or how something happened but we can understand what we serve a Creator who reigns above everything on His earth. I’ve seen miracles with my own eyes so it would be arrogant to say God can’t or won’t do them. His heart is and will always be for his people so why would be not still restore sight to the blind, allow the lame to walk, provide food to those who have none, deliver someone from demonic oppression, and so much more. We have to believe that his heart is for us and his ear is always to us-listening for our requests presented to his throne of grace.

  • Farai Round

    11/09/2023 at 03:57

    I agree with those that said yes. I believe in miracles too. The Bible says that those who believe in Him will do even greater things than He did.

  • Darlene Davis

    08/18/2023 at 14:58

    I do not agree with the residents of Tiberias because those miracles were supernatural and what has been done God is still able oi perform miracles no matter the times, throughout all the ages of biblical history and in today times which is still being manifested.

  • Helena Chung

    04/01/2023 at 17:49

    I do agree with some of their responses…. Everyday we experience small miracles but the bigger miracles that are out of nature will be shown to us if it is God’s will to show us. When it is my time, I will choose to believe.

  • Karl Durst

    03/27/2023 at 13:03

    Truly only God performs miracles. No one before or after Jesus did what only Jesus could do. No human can perform miracles.

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