Lesson 1, Activity 5

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospel narratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” What might be the basis for their personal convictions concerning miracles?


  • During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospel narratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” What might be the basis for their personal convictions concerning miracles?

    Veronica Sanchez replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 50 Members · 49 Replies
  • Laura Earwood

    07/07/2023 at 17:40

    I think most people, like those in Tiberias, view amazing events in our life as miracles. However, most of those events, such as childbirth or the sun rising, follows the laws of nature. It could be none of those citizens have every experienced a miracle that goes beyond the laws of nature, for to believe that, they must have faith, and to have faith, you need to believe it can happen. The majority of people in the world only base their beliefs on what they can see, not what they can’t see.

  • Jennifer Senglaub

    06/28/2023 at 19:53

    They are already aware of the Big Miracles and they have enough faith to understand what was considered to be dramatic does not have to be the way it was Biblically.

  • Mikayla Fox

    06/28/2023 at 00:26

    People tend to believe what they see. Many people have seen God work in their lives through the miracles they defined, but maybe have not seen dramatic ones like the dead being raised. I have seen God do healings and signs and wonders, and I believe in miracles. I also believe in God working things out in our lives in unexplainable ways and that those are also miracles.

  • Rodney Singletary

    06/10/2023 at 16:58

    We all, for the most part, come from differing backgrounds ethnically, socioeconomically, and culturally, but the Word of truth being administered by the Spirit of truth through faith in Jesus Christ allows us to be able to believe the entire Word of God emphatically. It could be just a matter of seeing is believing or seeing to believe- Thomas.

  • Anthony Herrera

    06/08/2023 at 20:41

    People not personally witnessing a miracle may not believe in miracles at all.I believe a sober minded child of CHRIST sees a miracle or two in their lifetime!!! We all experience life in our unique way. I personally have witnessed miracles in my lifetime. I have experienced a lawless lifestyle filled with evil heartless people that have done ruthless heinous acts to others. Intelligent devious people change on a dime to righteously serving the LORD the rest of their lives!!! Praise JESUS!!!

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Christian Learning Center Forums During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospelnarratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” Do you agree with the responses of the people interviewed?


  • During the video section Mart DeHaan interviewed people on the street in Tiberias. He asked them if they believed in miracles. He concluded: “I sensed in the residents of Tiberias that the ‘miracles’ they believed in would not have been as dramatic as someone turning water into wine or bringing a dead person back to life; yet according to the Gospelnarratives, Jesus displayed an authority and power over nature that had no natural explanation.” Do you agree with the responses of the people interviewed?

    Kim Teck Pua replied 3 weeks ago 30 Members · 29 Replies
  • Katie Haney

    03/12/2022 at 20:11

    Yes, I do not believe in coincidences. I think that things happen every day that sometimes we are able to “see” or experience and sometimes we aren’t given the gift of knowing about them.

  • Randall Earwood

    02/17/2022 at 12:43

    No, I don’t agree with the people interviewed. Miracles cannot be attributed to a natural order or occurrence. They are “beyond” nature – something that does not occur. What most of the guests described as “miracles” were really just being overwhelmed with the evidence of God’s creation of our world and things created for our pleasure – not an intervening power that gives a total unexpected outcome based upon God’s created natural order. For instance, rain falling in the Negev Desert is not a miracle. It actually does occur in the natural order God establishes. Manna coming down like dew is a miracle, because this is outside the natural occurrence established by God’s creation.

  • Gwyn Genua

    01/29/2022 at 19:47

    The residents of Tiberias believed that miracles couldn’t be “dramatic”. However, the Gospels clearly explain that power that Jesus exhibited. I think that God displays His authority over nature in both extravagant (such as raising people from the dead) and daily ways (such as what the residents of Tiberias expressed). I have full faith in the Gospels, but I have also seen God work miracles in my own life.

  • Brandi Pond

    11/01/2021 at 13:35

    I do agree with the people interviewed. Miracles are happening all around us, every single day. While, yes, God still has the power to perform miracles of epic proportions (raising the dead, healing the sick, water into wine, etc.) I think those types of miracles are fewer and farther between these days. But simple things, such as the miracle of birth, making the conscious choice to love one’s spouse, or a rainbow after a rainstorm are still acts of God, which in my mind makes them miracles.

  • Cory Kettleman

    10/13/2021 at 19:55

    Not really. I do believe in the power of God in our everyday lives, but I also believe in all the miracles Jesus did during his ministry and is doing now in this time

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