Lesson 2, Activity 4
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture. You may record your answers in a personal journal.
- Evangelicals have created a variety of lists naming God’s attributes. Compare and contrast the terms and phrases used for God’s incommunicable attributes found in the three historical documents cited in this lesson.
- When studying God’s incommunicable attributes, we need to remember that God is both transcendent and immanent. What do these terms mean? How does Scripture support both perspectives?
- The historical documents cited in this lesson all affirm the value of integrating God’s attributes. How is this idea distinguished in each of the three documents?
- Choose three of God’s communicable attributes listed in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Question 4. Explain how each can be integrated with God’s incommunicable attributes. Cite Scripture texts to support your conclusions.
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions; however, you may also use them for personal reflection.
- Jesus is the perfect visible manifestation of God’s invisible qualities. Choose an event in Jesus’ life from one of the Gospels, and describe how this event should inform our understanding of God’s character and attributes.
- God’s sovereignty means he exercises absolute control over his creation. What circumstances might tempt you to doubt God’s sovereignty? How can you continue to have faith in God’s sovereignty when it’s difficult to see his control over your life and circumstances?
- What does it mean to “be holy as God is holy”? How can you encourage those in your area of ministry to live lives that are “sacred” and “set apart” in this fallen world?
- God’s nature is to grant just rewards for righteousness and just punishments for evil. How do his just rewards for those in Christ humble you to live in gratitude? How do his just punishments for sin encourage you to reach those who are not believers in Christ?
- Reflect for a moment on God’s goodness and the love he displayed toward his Son. How does this shape your understanding of God’s love for you? How can you share God’s goodness with those in your sphere of influence?
- The indirect goodness of God means that he will bring about good even through suffering and trials. Describe a time when God produced good from your trials. How might you use this experience to reassure others who are in the midst of suffering?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?