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Church History Since the Reformation
Lesson OneReformation Patterns4 Activities
Lesson TwoThe Lutheran Tradition4 Activities
Lesson ThreeThe Reformed Tradition4 Activities
Lesson FourThe Anabaptist Tradition4 Activities
Lesson FiveThe Anglican Tradition4 Activities
Lesson SixThe Catholic Reformation4 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Age of Puritanism - Part I4 Activities
Lesson EightThe Age of Puritanism - Part II4 Activities
Lesson NineEighteenth-Century Renewal Movements4 Activities
Lesson TenJonathan Edwards and American Revival3 Activities
Lesson ElevenCharles Finney and Classic Evangelicalism4 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Adventist Tradition4 Activities
Lesson ThirteenNineteenth-Century Missionary Explosion4 Activities
Lesson FourteenBlack Christianity in America4 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Rise of Modern Pentecostalism4 Activities
Lesson SixteenThe Rise of Fundamentalism4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenFundamentalism and Modernism4 Activities
Lesson EighteenFundamentalist/Modernist Controversies4 Activities
Lesson NineteenModern Catholicism4 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Ecumenical Revolution4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OneThe Church and Theological Reconstruction4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoThe Charismatic Movement4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeThe Future of Evangelicalism4 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FourThe Challenge of Ministry in a New Millennium4 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 34
Lesson 1, Activity 1
Overview and Objectives
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Lesson Overview
The study of the history of the church is an exciting and engaging discipline. The pursuit of this discipline is based upon an openness to the best and worst moments in the life of the church, a rigorous examination of the historical evidence about the church and a strong commitment to the church as a work of God.
Lesson Objectives
When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
- Understand the foundations, guidelines and sources for the study of the history of the church (nature of truth, evidence, church)
- Identify the characteristics of the ideal and the real church
- Review the biblical data relating to the foundation of the church
Personal Reflection
As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Why are you taking this course? What do you hope to gain from it?