Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums What might be the benefits of studying religious faiths different from your own?


  • Eric Medina

    02/16/2023 at 19:26

    By studying other religions, you can then not only understand why you believe in your faith but also know how to defend your faith and explain why it is true compared to others.

  • Don Arnold

    02/12/2023 at 17:52

    I am searching for similarities among all the religions of the world, frankly because I believe that there is really one religion, what the Chinese call the Tao, “the way.” This is a belief system, an understructure, which is present in all religions such as some of the Christian commandments like “Thou shalt not kill.” I want to see such similarities among religions, but more so, I want to see the differences.

  • Don Arnold

    02/12/2023 at 17:36

    I can think of no more influential piece of cultural identity than one’s religion. Religion has been at the root of more wars in the history of mankind than any other factor. So, at least, a study of different faiths than my own will help me understand better the international and domestic wars that are occurring in different parts of the world.

  • Eunice Hui

    02/02/2023 at 01:20

    broader perspective of what religion is about. greater understanding of the viewpoints from people with various religious background

  • Sidney Smart

    11/26/2022 at 14:37

    What might be the benefits of studying religious faiths different from your own?
    I was raised in church My family especially that on my maternal side were staunch church goers and I was taught in church and through the Bible pretty much everything I wanted to know about being a Baptist. There came a time in my teens when I decided that I wanted to know what I truly believed and also what other people believed. Even though my father was “agin” it, I told him I wanted to hear what other people believed about their faith and not what Baptist believed about another person’s faith and at that time I began to study other religions diligently. I’m 75 now and it has stood me in good stead. For His glory, God has given me many friends from different religions, Islam, Jewish, Buddhist, Sufi, Hindu spiritualists, those who use all different sorts of items to determine how their life should go and I even have a very good friend who proclaims she is a Druid.
    I tell church people that this helps me to befriend and discuss with others with respect and love. I never tell anyone that I don’t know what they believe unless it is something new that I haven’t studied and if so I talk to them and research it as best I can. As Christians we must always be prepared to talk about our faith. The operative word, I think, is “always” and I try to live by that, ask anyone here in my little town.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Write out in your own words a definition for religious faith.


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