Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums What might be the benefits of studying religious faiths different from your own?


  • Norman

    05/12/2023 at 14:05

    Greater familiarity with the worldview of others creates greater understanding and improves the effectiveness of communication.

  • Leong

    05/05/2023 at 02:34

    I live in a multicultural country where we are very concerned about racial harmony. Knowing others’ religions helps you live in peace with them and not do blatantly offensive things like munching on pork during a feast with Muslims.
    For the purpose of evangelism, it also helps to show interest in and have some unbiased knowledge of the person’s religion, before you can expect him to show interest in and be open to your religion.

  • michael

    04/27/2023 at 10:52

    Living in a multi-cultural, and mlti-ethnic society, where it is highly likely that there will be interpersoanl relationships with people of a different faith to mine, I think it is both sensible, and respectful to have a basic working knowledge of these different beliefs. It is also essnential in order to build meaningful relational links with people of different faiths.

  • Samuel

    04/18/2023 at 03:46

    The major benefits are being equipped with good knowledge of those religion and thereby making witnessing easier and from an informed point of view.

  • Matthew

    04/17/2023 at 07:17

    God is love: to love our neighbor as ourselves means to understand who they are. Understanding the people of the world — all created in the image of God, and loved so much, that Jesus was given to all people and cultures — opens new vistas of understanding of others and ourselves, and the context one one’s own faith.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Write out in your own words a definition for religious faith.



    08/20/2021 at 03:23

    It can be defined as belief and trust in God or other spiritual force that will guide your code of conduct, answering your prayers and assuring the triumph of good over evil forces.

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