Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.


  • List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.

    Brittany Hopkins replied 3 days, 16 hours ago 164 Members · 168 Replies
  • Stacy Colwell

    03/09/2024 at 13:06

    Monotheism – My own personal belief that there is one God who created the world and all things in it, and continues to “work all things together for good”

    Deism – Several of my genetics and physics professors from university are deists. Their pursuit of science informs them that the only explanation for the universe is intelligent design by a Creator, but not one that continues to influence our world

    Naturalist – Alexander Oparin wrote The Origin of Life proposing that all life came from inorganic matter (however, I am inclined to point out that the theory of evolution is not strictly naturalist as it does not address the origin of life, just what has supposedly happened since life began. Evolution is, however, employed by naturalists as a mechanism for change after abiogenesis)

    Nihilism – Many teenagers I have known have gone through a nihilist stage in which they question “who decided what is good and bad?”

    Existentialism – Albert Camus’ The Outsider/The Stranger was very existentialist (although Camus described himself as an absurdist)

    Pantheism – Many of my neighbors are Buddhists and light candles during full moon festivals and give offerings to make merit

  • Kyle Pomeroy

    03/06/2024 at 14:17

    Monotheism – The Bible would be the most obvious answer

    Naturalism – The majority of Scientists would take this stand I would imagine.

    Pantheism – Native American movies/shows

    Deism – George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

    Nihilism – Soren Kierkegaard

    Existentialism – I struggled to think of anything for this one. It is the one I am least familiar with.

  • Courtney Danna

    03/03/2024 at 21:27

    Monotheism: The Chosen Netflix Show

    Deism: The Good Place TV Show

    Naturalism: Ben is Back (2018 film)

    Nihilism: Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022 film)

    Existentialism: 2001: A Space Odyssey movie

    Pantheism: Kung Fu Panda movies

  • Benjamin Swarr

    02/26/2024 at 12:29
    1. Monotheism: The ministry of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (the organization I work for) operates from a monotheistic (and specifically Christian) worldview.
    2. Deism: Albert Einstein was an example of someone who believed in a God but did not believe God to be personal or knowable.
    3. Naturalism: The show Limitless with Chris Hemsworth (featuring Chris Hemsworth) promotes a naturalistic worldview. The last episode, entitled Acceptance, features Chris Hemsworth wrestling with his fear of mortality and his held belief that there is nothing after death.
    4. Nihilism: The character, The Joker, from the Batman comics and movies would be an example of a nihilistic character who throws off traditional morality and rejects any concept of good and evil.
    5. Existentialism: The Myth of Sisyphus (which is a 1942 philosophical essay by Albert Camus) is an example of a story written from an existentialist worldview, highlighting the meaninglessness and the absurdity of life and the need to discover one’s self-created meaning.
    6. Pantheism: The Baghavad Gita (ancient Hindu scripture) is an example of a book written from a pantheistic worldview.
  • Randal Jensen

    02/12/2024 at 00:50

    monotheism – bible, my church, FCA

    Deism – Thomas Jefferson, some college friends

    Naturalism – Big Bang Theory tv show

    Nihilism – politics and many parts of current american culture of objective truth

    Existentialism – Nietzshe

    Pantheism – New Age Movement, Star Wars movie philosophies

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Christian Learning Center Forums Of the six worldviews listed, which two are most alike? Which two are the most dissimilar? Explain.


  • Bobby Shriner

    10/02/2023 at 20:37

    I believe that monotheism and Deism are most similar. Both of worldviews believe in a creator.

    And I believe nihilism and Monotheism some are the most disssimilar. Nihilism rejects, all forms of faith and morality, whereas monotheism believes in the supreme creator with laws and morality to follow to live on this earth.

  • Cade Roth

    09/22/2023 at 16:24

    I think that the nihilist and the existentialist are most alike. This is because neither of them believe in a God, they believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and at the end of the day, the meaningfulness of life is not something that is objective truth. The thing that makes them different is existentialists believe that meaning can be created, where there is “nothing” in nihilism.

    The two that I feel are the most different are nihilism and monotheism. Monotheists believe in a God that has his hand in the universe and that we as humans need to seek and find God in order to be a part of the afterlife. Nihilism doesn’t believe in an afterlife or that there is any meaning of life to begin with. A monotheist builds his life around meaning while a nihilist dismisses it

  • Emily Hill

    09/19/2023 at 22:09

    I think monotheism and deism are most alike because they only believe in one god. They are also extremely different in their beliefs about God’s role in the world.

    These worldviews couldn’t be any more different: Pantheism believes everything is attached to god (illusion of matter), while naturalism holds the idea that matter is all that exists (no god).

  • Amanda Budig

    09/12/2023 at 15:20

    The two most similiar are monotheism and deism because both theories site the same source of life (God). However, the differ from there. The two most dissimilar are monotheism and existentialism because one believes life and it’s source have a purpose and the other says life is meaningless and from nothing.

  • Joshua Milner

    09/03/2023 at 01:43

    existentialism and naturalism are alike in that there is not much meaning to life and things just happen to be.

    Monotheism and Nihilsm are dissimilar in that monotheism would bring purpose and meaning into every area of life while nihilism would not bow down to an ultimate authority.

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