Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.


  • List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.

    Brittany Hopkins replied 4 days, 5 hours ago 164 Members · 168 Replies
  • Linda Roh

    10/26/2023 at 23:19

    Monotheism – The Christian who lives a life for Jesus and holds to the word of the Bible.

    Deism – Thomas Jefferson believed that God made the world but does not interfere with the world.

    Naturalism – Darwin put out the thoughts that the world came about by chance. He denied this belief on his death bed.

    Nihilism – Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher said there is no authority or need to have faith in anything other than self.

    Existentialism – Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) as an Existentialist Philosopher. In the public consciousness, at least, Sartre must surely be the central figure of existentialism.

    Pantheism – They believe god is all and all is god.

  • James Shephard

    10/19/2023 at 22:36

    Deism – me before I knew that God actually runs the world and that everything is his servant

  • Eric Mannheimer

    10/13/2023 at 12:37

    Monotheism – Blue Bloods – shows Sunday dinner and prayer
    Deism – someone who believes that there was a supreme being who created the Earth, but he has total control of his own decisions
    Naturalism – The Big Bang Theory – proof for things rather than belief in God
    Nihilism – Anything on the news
    Existentialism – Life has no meaning
    Pantheism – New Age Movement

  • Luke Staley

    10/04/2023 at 12:56

    Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an organization that represents Monotheism. FCA believes in one God in three forms (God the Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit). Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with God our creator.

    Preacher” is a comic book series whose fictional premise is that God created the world and then left it to its own devices (Deism).

    Atheism is a belief system that heavily incorporates naturalism. The core belief of atheism is that there is no god(s) and therefore, all things can be explained through science and human wisdom.

    Post-Modernism is a political theory that is largely based on the presupposition that all “truth” is relative, overlapping almost entirely with Nihilsm in its paradigms of belief structure.

    Rick and Morty is a television show that comedically (and surprisingly thoughtfully) tackles the idea of existentialism.

    Buddism and many Eastern religions are rooted in pantheism. They believe a higher purpose and the “real plane of existence” can be found in the spirit realm.

  • Bobby Shriner

    10/02/2023 at 20:28

    Monotheism -the 10 Commandments with Charlton Heston

    Deism-Thomas Jefferson with some of his writings from the declaration of independence.

    Nihilism- Nietzsche is most often associated with. All values and beliefs are useless.

    Existentialist- Jean-Paul Sartre ; French philosopher, screenwriter, playwright, novelist and literary critic

    Pantheism-Baruch Spinoza , Jewish-Dutch philosopher.

    Naturalist-Lorenz Ernst Haeckel German zoologist.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Of the six worldviews listed, which two are most alike? Which two are the most dissimilar? Explain.


  • Penny

    01/22/2023 at 16:55

    I believe that the two worldviews that are the most similar are Christianity and Judaism. Both believe in the same God and both use the Old Testament as a religious text.
    The two most dissimilar are Christianity and Nihilism. Christians believe in a higher authority and a set of moral truths while Nihilists believe that all traditional moral values are subjective to how one feels.

  • Tim Hines

    01/12/2023 at 16:56

    Judaism and Christianity are the most similar.. both believe in a personal monotheistic God who desires reconciliation and both embrace the belief in a Savior/Messiah to save them from their sins and restore the world to Gods intended result.

    The most dissimilar are Christianity and Nihilism. Nihilism, like its name it believes in nothing except self and is the closest to an Anti Christ spirit of anarchy. It is a hopeless worldview with no belief in purpose.

  • Connor Eberly

    01/11/2023 at 19:52

    I believe Monotheism and deism are most closely related because they both believe in a supreme being/creator of the universe.

  • Kiel Higginbotham

    12/06/2022 at 21:57

    Monotheism and Deism are similar in that both believe in a single God.

    Pantheism would be the extreme opposite of Monotheism. Pantheist believe that everything is God.

  • Sidney Smart

    12/01/2022 at 14:27

    I find that those which are existential all seem very much alike. In fact, when I discuss with my New Age type friends sometimes it all runs together. On the other hand, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are so close sometimes I can’t see why we cant come together better. All of us in these three beliefs are children of Father Abraham.
    I feel that, as a Christian, I have more problems talking with existentialists of any type, especially nihilists because many of them figure it doesn’t matter which path you follow as long as you follow it “religiously”.

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