Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.


  • List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.

    Brittany Hopkins replied 4 days, 14 hours ago 164 Members · 168 Replies
  • Geoff Ila

    07/10/2023 at 23:37

    Monotheism – Most of my very close friends believe the the God of the Christian Bible is the “One True God”.
    Deism – My coworker Dave believes in God, and goes to church but that is his only connection to God. There is no acknowledgement that you can have an actual relationship with God . He knows of God but he doesn’t know God.
    Naturalism – Where I live in Colorado is a New Age stronghold. Everything is determined by the natural forces of nature and its surroundings.
    Nihilism – The comedy TV show Brooklyn Nine Nine I believe has a nihilist core. Mind you it is a comedy show but just by how things have changed with their cast roles to cater to the politically correct on a show to show basis, emphasises the nihilism that is represented.
    Existentialism – I would say the emergence of “wokism” and transgenderism depicts existentialism to its very core.
    Pantheism – Many indigenous people groups from third world nations have a strong foundation in pantheism. This gives way to much superstition.

  • Marcus Williams

    07/05/2023 at 12:37

    Monotheism- The Chosen is a show that really hones in on there only being one God and Jesus as the Messiah who dies for all our sin. Relationship, trust, obedience all being main focuses throughout the series.
    Deist- Not sure what the bibles are called but I know there are versions where they take out every miracle but leave God in them.
    Nihilist- There is a new telescope that has been built that now sees farther than any before, expectations were to see unformed galaxies bc the distance would be in the “past”. Upon looking they recognized more completely formed galaxies and instead of recognizing a creator of it all at once they feel their theories were wrong and science will be able to determine why.
    Exetentialist- Our current cultural push is live your own life and make it up as you go, from your sex, to your sexual preference to what you want to be called or identified as, just do what makes you happy.
    I know there is a new thing about being rooted to the ground and the earths energy giving you your energy, happiness and so on

  • Jeanette Morris

    06/18/2023 at 17:14

    Yoga, Benjamin Franklin, Bible, Darwin, news/politics, atheist groups

  • Cason Maertens

    06/16/2023 at 23:28

    Monotheism – The Chosen

  • Susan Scott

    06/14/2023 at 22:13

    Monotheism-The Chosen series
    Deism-George Washington was Deist
    Naturalism-Robert De Niro’s portrayal of Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull (1980).
    Nihilism-No Country for Old Men the film shows how there is no absolute value that gets replaced when old values die out, and that there isn’t even any objective ‘value’ to human life, either, especially considering that people are sacks of meat, merely flesh and blood
    Existentialism-Quote by Charles Bukowski “If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life.”
    Pantheism-Elon Musk is a Pantheist

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Christian Learning Center Forums Of the six worldviews listed, which two are most alike? Which two are the most dissimilar? Explain.


  • Julianna Overmeyer

    07/17/2022 at 14:51

    Judaism and Christianity are the most alike. Christianity believes in the Messiah that Judaism is waiting for.
    I think Monotheism and existentialism are the most dissimilar

  • Elaine Chu

    07/12/2022 at 11:46

    Judaism and Christianity are most alike, just Judaism is still waiting for the Messiah. Naturalism and Pantheism seem to be most opposite on the subject “Matter”. Naturalism believes that matter is all that existed and Pantheism thinks that it is an illusion.

  • Bershuan Thompson

    06/05/2022 at 23:27

    Christianity and Judaism are alike and pantheism and nihilism and either of the monotheistic views.

  • David Melms

    06/01/2022 at 16:20

    Judaism and Christianity are most alike. They utilize the majority of the same holy book, believe in one God, etc etc. They drift on one though incredibly significant point of was Jesus the Son of God or only a human prophet.

    Judaism and Pantheism seem most different. Judaism has a high value for tradition, order, stoic nature, family, high detail related to the body and God’s commands, etc. Pantheism detaches from the now and the physical. It puts value on the thought and imagining what we see isn’t of true reality or meaningful.

  • Lisa Batt

    05/18/2022 at 13:54

    Monotheism and Deism are the most similar in that they both believe in a god that created the universe. Monotheism and Naturalism contradict each other the most because one believes in God that created and moves the world while the other believes in science and the evolution of matter.

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