Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.


  • List a television show, a book, a friend’s opinion, or some other source that illustrates each of the six worldviews listed. Example: Deism—Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.

    Brittany Hopkins replied 3 days, 4 hours ago 164 Members · 168 Replies
  • Carla

    12/19/2022 at 21:02

    Monotheism is shown throughout the Holy Bible and continually discussed within my church during service and Bible study. I teach that there is only One True God to my students in our school using the Bible as our primary source.

    Deism was displayed by Abraham Lincoln. He began life as a Baptist and often read the Bible but told many close to him to take the Bible with reason and the rest on faith if you want to live and die a happier and better man. Lincoln never joined a church during his adult life but did say he would never vote for an enemy of religion.

    Naturalism is easily seen when watching anything featuring Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy”. He states emphatically that man comes from the dust of the stars and science is the basis of truth “not an ancient book that has been translated into English”.

    Nihilism is displayed by Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men, when he said, “The point is there ain’t no point.” I had to do some research for this one, as I avoid opinions like this; I am an optimist, not a pessimist.

    Existentialism – I have never been a fan of Woody Allen but much of his work is based on existential beliefs of self-awareness. He is not apologetic for his lifestyle or work, and often states that he is happy with it even if it causes others’ problems or pain. Quote “If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse.”

    Pantheism – Albert Einstein was very open about his being a pantheist but did not consider himself to be an extremist as some accused him. He did believe that having a “personal God” was a child-like idea. Quote ” I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.”

  • Kiel Higginbotham

    12/07/2022 at 07:03

    Monotheism – the Bible describes the work of a divine Creator.

    Deism – Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of our nation, was a Deist.

    Naturalism – Emile Zola is commonly noted as the key figure in the beginning of the naturalistic thought: That only natural laws are the forces that keep the world in order.

    Nihilism – Friedrich Nietzsche is the father of Nihilism, the belief that nothing can be known or understood. There is no foundation of knowledge or communication.

    Existentialism – Sarte is most known for this philosophy. A mostly Godless worldview that views human existence as only what is carved out by each person. There’s no proof of a God or purpose of creation.

    Pantheism – The Avatar movie

  • Sidney Smart

    12/01/2022 at 14:26

    Deism: Many of my friends who consider themselves “intellectuals” chose to be deist. Many of them actually work or associate with Christians, talking about God, creationism and, usually, taking care of God’s world. Sometimes I find them easier to talk with than other Christians because they see the need of taking care of a God-given world for which we are totally responsible.
    Naturalism: the battle I have with this group is that I have a science degree from the university, and I do believe in science. I tell them “I believe in science because I believe God created everything – says so in the Bible. It seems that being a nurse just makes it harder to talk to them because they are sold out to science and all things “naturally occurring” and I have studied the human body and spirit in light of God’s creation. It isn’t even a stretch for me to say “And who do you think made all this awesome stuff?”
    Nihilism: What was Nietzsche’s theory?
    Nietzsche claimed the exemplary human being must craft his/her own identity through self-realization and do so without relying on anything transcending that life—such as God or a soul.
    There is no god, there is no heaven or hell so make yourself who you want to be and forget the religious side of it.
    Existentialism: I love this quote about existentialism. “I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100.” Woody Allen
    Well, there you have it. I have a good friend who is an existentialist and if you can pin him down on anything – good luck.
    Pantheism: I have two good friends (among others) who are pantheistic. One of them told me years ago when I asked where she would go when she died she said “I don’t know. I will just become a part of the Universe – a part of god you know because we all make up god and the universe. We don’t really have individual personalities at all.”
    Monotheism: Jesus, the Christ said, “I am the truth, the life and the way and NO ONE can come to the Father except by me.” I’ll stick with this one.

  • Chad Posey

    11/12/2022 at 12:43

    Monotheism – The Bible

    Deism – Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, indicated on a NASA form that he was a deist.

    Naturalism – Theory of evolution (Charles Darwin & Carl Sagan)

    Nihilism – Friedrich Nietzsche, the 19th century German philosopher

    Existentialism – Jean Paul Sartre was a key figure in the existentialism philosophical movement, and his work
    has had a significant influence on 20th-century sociology, postcolonial theories and general literary studies.

    Pantheism – Ethics by Baruch Spinoza

  • Susan Flenniken

    11/03/2022 at 19:54

    Monotheism – The Passion of the Christ
    Deism – Thomas Paine
    Naturalism – John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath
    Nihilism – A Clockwork Orange
    Existentialism – Life of Pi
    Pantheism – Albert Einstein

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Christian Learning Center Forums Of the six worldviews listed, which two are most alike? Which two are the most dissimilar? Explain.


  • Cody Underwood

    11/23/2021 at 17:50

    Judaism and Christianity seem to have quite a few similar characteristics. Christianity is incredibly dissimilar to Nihilism, basically, every main tenet of Christianity opposes what Nihilism stands for.

  • Kathy Wiesen

    11/18/2021 at 13:46

    Judaism and Christianity are very similar in that they believe in the same God, same scriptures and that a Messiah will rescue us from our sin. The Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for the Messiah.
    Christianity is very dissimilar to Nihilism. Christians believe in a God who is totally involved with every believer interacting in their lives via the Holy Spirit. Nihilism believes there is no authority or moral principles. Christians trust in God’s word and promises and believes they are true now and forever while a Nihilist refutes and is skeptical about any positive truths or values.

  • Jason Hubbard

    11/11/2021 at 15:16

    Monotheism and Naturalism is the most different; Monthesim believes that God created and involved in the universe, where naturalism believes as Carl Sagan said, “The cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.”
    Nihilism and existentialism is the most similar as nihilism believes objective truth is to be questioned or dismissed and existentialism says life has no objective meaning.

  • Rhenald Lagrimas

    11/07/2021 at 22:45

    Monotheism and Pantheism are somewhat the same because they both recognize a source of authority as basis.

    monotheism and Nihilism to me are very dissimilar.

  • Michael Price

    10/28/2021 at 15:12

    Judaism and Christianity are most alike.

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