Leadership Lessons from the Kings
Lesson OneLessons from Saul, Ishbosheth, David, and Solomon3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoLessons from Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Abijah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeLessons from Abijah and Asa3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourLessons from Asa and Jehoshaphat3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveLessons from Jehoshaphat and Jehoram3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixLessons from Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, and Jehoiada3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenLessons from Joash and Amaziah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightLessons from Uzziah, Hezekiah, and Josiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineLessons from Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenFinal Leadership Lessons3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 185
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Tagged: ML102-01
Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 48 Members · 49 Replies
Lesson #1: God puts leaders in place for a reason
Starting in my new regional role as a leader, I still struggle to see the reason why God has put me in this leadership role. I have many reasons why I’m not sufficient for this role and many things that proofs that I’m not the right person. But then I learn every now and then (through people, scripture and even this study), that God puts people in a specific place for a reason. And I need to trust that…
“When we have God’s heart, we can do amazing things.” As a teacher, I try to instill hope through confidence. I try to help my students see that even when they do not believe in themselves, I do because God does. God made them perfectly, and my job is to instill a path to allow them to learn to trust their own path as good and as part of God’s plan. Kids struggle, and while I have to spend time pointing out their faults, I always approach it with love and compassion. I’ve had some amazing teachers that inspired, and I’ve had some that were just really terrible. I strive to empower student through fairness, kindness, truth, and love. I will walk through the trenches of frustration with them and will be right there to celebrate their victories, big or small.
Lesson #2 – was so powerful. At first I didn’t get it and was taken back by the words, I love to be relevant. But after it was explained, it really hit home. I loved how it was interpreted and the whole point is to lead people without making it about YOU. I can use this by not seeking power or recognition as a source of motivation to lead. Lead for the people.
Lesson 3.
We learned that If we chase after the heart of God and his will being fulfilled, then can we achieve the things that God planned for our callings. When the spirit of God is in control of the leader, the peoples needs will be met and that will not leave room for the performance of our flesh. -
Lesson 3: When you have God’s heart, you can achieve amazing things.
This is a great reminder, that I need to totally depend on God when it comes to my leadership. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. As a leader, I want to impact others for Christ. David was a “man after God’s own heart,” so as he led, he led with the heart of God. He still made mistakes, had ups and downs, had trials and tribulations, he remained steadfast. He sought God in every situation. These are all things that I can take to improve my abilities as a leader. Scripture tells us to delight in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. This really means that when we remain close with God and seek Him in all we do, he will work in us and through us, give us His heart’s desires, and we will want to walk that out in our leadership. This will lead to us doing amazing things as a leader, because of Him.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Tagged: ML102-01
Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 37 Members · 38 Replies
Actually… all of them.
#1: God has put me there for a reason. As mentioned in the first question, I have doubts about why God has put me in my leadership role.
#2: I can lead, but be an irrelevant leader. This is what I’m afraid my leadership will come down to. Letting God down and those who could have been impacted by my leadership.
#3: When I have God’s heart, I can do amazing things. In my role, I feel that the focus is more on “church politics” and issues than God’s heart and that stop me from doing the amazing things God wants me to do in the role that He has given me.
#4: Benefits of leadership can blind me. In my paid role, I do have many benefits that can be easy to blind me from my ministry leadership and how God wants to use me.
God puts leaders in place for a reason. In any given situation, I may think God put the perfect person in a leadership position, or I may think God wasn’t paying attention that day. But God put them there for a reason, and His reasons are far bigger and far better than mine. It could be that God put me in a leadership position and someone else thinks He wasn’t paying attention that day. If God put someone in a leadership position who I think isn’t ready for it, maybe God sees that they are ready and it’s my heart that needs to be readjusted. Or maybe it’s so I can step up, help support that leader, help them grow into the position. I need to trust God’s plans and trust that no matter what, God is good and God does good.
Irrelevant. My biggest struggle is in the Irrelevant . Doing things that we think are important but are not in Gods will.
According to God’s plan and reason, He put different people in charge.
My church has a voting system that elects council members, directors and chair of the board. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of being a people leader rather than a God follower though we are all aware that this should not be the case.
Soloman’s deviating from his original awareness and seeking after God are critical for me at this point as the chair of the board of directors.
Being in a leadership position and being an irrelevant leader. This point is a scary thing to think about here you are in leadership but not making an impact in the lives of others not allowing one’s life to be an example of Jesus in the earth realm – that others would be drawn to live for the Lord. It is praying time! Lord make me effective for you! amen