Leadership Lessons from the Kings
Lesson OneLessons from Saul, Ishbosheth, David, and Solomon3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoLessons from Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Abijah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeLessons from Abijah and Asa3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourLessons from Asa and Jehoshaphat3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveLessons from Jehoshaphat and Jehoram3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixLessons from Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, and Jehoiada3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenLessons from Joash and Amaziah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightLessons from Uzziah, Hezekiah, and Josiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineLessons from Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenFinal Leadership Lessons3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 185
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Tagged: ML102-01
Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 48 Members · 49 Replies
Lesson 3: When you have God’s heart, you can achieve amazing things. This lesson really spoke to me because I desire to be an effective leader whom God uses to accomplish His plan. I can improve my abilities as a leader by seeking God’s direction in prayer, searching the scriptures for solutions to problems, and being an example of Christ-centered leader.
As a leader, I must seek to honor God and not please men. I learned this from Saul.
Being irrelevant – a sense of going along without purpose for His Kingdom here on earth really rattles me. I have fallen victim to my flesh, my soul to just go along, receiving the blessings and benefit of leadership without the focus and dedication to lead well. The Lord has told us what He expects from our walking with Him – to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). In this way we seek His Kingdom and righteousness. I desire to humbly seek His heart, to behold what pleases Him and act accordingly… O Lord, forgive me for my lack of focus and dedication, rescue me from my self – that I may honor You and bring glory and praise to You name – in Jesus I pray.
Accept the lesson that God created and prepared me for leadership across generations. David wad marked for becoming king long before he ascended the throne. As a child, I am the oldest of my siblings and always had followers.my sister tells me how I have modeled character and leadership for her. Sometimes I doubt God’s choice of me as the leader for certain positions, and I fully intend to stop that. Where he leads me, I will follow.
The lesson on being irrelevant got my attention. I don’t want to be someone who just exists to get the perks. I want to shine for the Lord in all I set out to do. Humility is the key to being relevant.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Tagged: ML102-01
Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 37 Members · 38 Replies
God gave the Israelites their first king, not based on his experience or commitment to God, but because of his “looks”. He looked good to the Israelites. Even though a leader looks the part, doesn’t necessarily mean that they fit the part.
God gives us a purpose. That purpose is to “Go into all the world, making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have command you.” Living a life that is irrelevant is not in God’s plan. No matter where we are at or what we are doing we need to live a life that brings God closer to those around us. We often forget how huge our role in the kingdom of God truly.
People pleaser, sadly before I let God take complete control of my life I always wanted to please people, even if it went against my beliefs such as peer pressure and etc.
You can lead but be an irrelevant leader. Not following God’s heart can make what we do irrelevant.
An irrelevant leader , one who lacks in bringing substantial meaning in the unfolding of life. Who’s heart has no enthusiasm for the things that really matter. Often I am without the words to say and realize I am insignificant in conversation but in reality presence brings validation in consensus even when the timely fitting words seemly are fleeting in the moment. The occasion becomes a reliance on the Lord to bring wisdom to mind in an exercise of faith and being committed to presenting self to Him in day to day and moment by moment service. The fear is have lived and not brought the relevance to those closest to me with words of encouragement or warmth. To be dismissed in the brevity of life as irrelevant would be devastating. Yet I often fall short and feel irrelevant and realize the need to look the to One who fills those voids and bridges vitally in my todays and tomorrows. There is hope in Him when leading looks more like leaning. The idea of being propped up by someOne greater than ourselves seems so foreign and oh so foolish intellectually.