Leadership Lessons from the Kings
Lesson OneLessons from Saul, Ishbosheth, David, and Solomon3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoLessons from Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Abijah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeLessons from Abijah and Asa3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourLessons from Asa and Jehoshaphat3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveLessons from Jehoshaphat and Jehoram3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixLessons from Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, and Jehoiada3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenLessons from Joash and Amaziah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightLessons from Uzziah, Hezekiah, and Josiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineLessons from Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenFinal Leadership Lessons3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 185
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Tagged: ML102-01
Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 48 Members · 49 Replies
When you have God’s Heart, you can achieve amazing things. Commit BSC, BT, INPL, HIH, SPED, AZbiz, Family to God and plead with Him to lead and guide and show me how to be a good leader. Pray that I can be the leader that God wants me to be and put heart into my leaderships in my companies and family.
David for sure. I want to be the leader for my family, at my job and as a youth pastor that inspire people, point people to God and makes things better for the people that I am in and in the situations that they are in.
2. You can lead, but be an irrelevant leader: When I was SCS for the USPS (Supervisor Customer Service for the United States Postal Service (level 17)), in Hankinson, North Dakota, USA, I was an irrelevant leader because I did not follow all of the Postmaster’s directives. Hopefully, the Lord may put me back in a leadership position, but for now I am a local truck driver for FedEx Ground.
King David desired to please God not only as a servant , but a servant leader but he fell short. At times I fall short and judge myself very harshly , but I must remember 1 John 1:9 which says if you confess your sins , he is faithful and just to forgive you and cleans you from all unrighteousness.
2. You can lead but be an irrelevant leader.
My biggest leadership role is as a teacher of high school students. I am constantly challenged as I develop and teach the curriculum to make it relevant. So as I improve as a leader that is not irrelevant, I want to listen more acutely to the students I am teaching about their needs – what is relevant to them as they develop their biblical worldview. I will not only work with them but also come alongside them to build relationships and make a relevant difference in their lives.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Tagged: ML102-01
Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?
Lorenzo Savage replied 1 month ago 37 Members · 38 Replies
Lesson#3 Really challenges me to help make things better. And lead with God’s vision.
Lesson #3, When you have God’s heart, you can achieve amazing things.
One of the qualities of good leadership is that you must lead with God’s heart. The example quoted in the lesson is King David because he is a man after God’s own heart.
As a church leader and a corporate leader, sometimes we must make a difficult decision affecting others. We must pray for the difficult decision and let God guide us to make the optimum decision. We should inspire our brothers and sisters, especially during the pandemic, and don’t let them lose hope despite the difficult situation. -
Lesson 1: I realize that God places us in situations that sometimes can be hard to deal with, like in years past I’ve been in job positions where God wanted to use me to win those around me to Him. Sometimes it’s not so apparent until you’re out of the situation. There’s been times that I’ve become angered, because God placed me in a job that I didn’t want to be in. It can be very challenging, but I need to put my faith in God, that He’ll pull me through, which He always does.