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Leadership Lessons from the Kings

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Christian Learning Center Forums Choose one of the four lessons discussed in this lecture and explain how you can use it to improve your abilities as a leader. Provide specific examples.


  • Terry

    01/11/2022 at 14:59

    Lesson #3. When we truly seek after God’s heart and we walk in His commands there isn’t anything that we cannot do through Him. That doesn’t mean that we will never fail Him or disappoint Him. There will be times when we want to receive all the credit for what God has done through us.
    When I was in school my teachers just about had to force me to give an oral book report or get in front of the course and do work on the blackboard. When I was aked to be an Assistant Sunday School Teacher I was afraid of messing up the lesson or not being able to pronounce a lot of the names or places in the Old Testament. Through prayer when I was asked to fill in for the regular teacher and through teaching I became comfortable teaching, not because I had done anything special but because of what God had done in me. When asked if I would be willing to be the main teacher in a course I was prepared to do so.
    We were without a Pastor for about 18 months and I was asked to help do Bible lessons during Wednesday night Prayer Meetings. The Lord led to help on Wednesday nights and I grew even more relaxed when teaching but more important I grew stronger in God.

  • Dana Ra

    09/30/2021 at 15:52

    The lesson which focused on Ishbosheth has taught me how to improve my abilities as a leader. Once you make it to the “top”, it is easy to become complacent. Currently, I have been teaching for over 10 years. At this point of my career, I have gained confidence and seniority. Often, I find myself feeling “pretty good” about the lessons I teach each day in course. This is a very dangerous place to be because it prevents you from growing and mproving. The moment I stop learning, is the moment I prevent myself from become a better teacher. The lesson of Ischosheth taught me, the momemnt you make it to the top is the moment the real work begins. Once you have arrived at point of success, you must reach from within and find a way to further motivate yourself. For example, I have taught Biology for 10 years. Each year when I get to my Genetics Unit I am convicted with teaching the same material or putting in a little extra effort and making adjustments to account for the mistakes that occured the previous year. Since we are not God (understatement), our work will never be perfect and improvemtns are always needed.

  • Donna Safford

    09/28/2021 at 14:50

    I choose lesson 3, When you have God’s heart, you can accomplish amazing things. – to discuss. Wow, what a powerful reminder of Who is in charge of the ministries I lead. I need to have God’s heart always, whether working with children or the ladies in our church. Having God’s heart means that I need to stay close to Him, keep my heart clean before Him, read my Bible and study it on a daily basis, pray not only for the ministries of my church, but for each child and lady in my groups. Too often I can make a blanket prayer for the groups, but I need to name each participant and teacher to God and pray for them. I need to take that time so that I will hear when God talks to me and then listen/follow what He tells me to do. I also need to read and study things that will make me better at what I do so that I can help others as they follow the Lord as well. This course is a great item to take seriously and apply to my leadership.

  • Michael Safford

    09/27/2021 at 16:16

    Lesson 3: When you have God`s heart, we can achieve anything. Thus statement is truer than one might think. God chooses the people He wants. Those who have the greatest faith yet the people with great humility. A great leader doesn’t have to know everything, but one who knows how to use the resources around them. Prayer on the part of the leader is extremely important and following prayer, the leader must listen , really listen for God ‘ answer to prayer.

    David was a great leader. He had God` heart and he learned to listen Leadership is a great responsibility. If given the role, use it wisely.

  • Josepha Tarigan

    09/03/2021 at 12:53

    Lesson #2; You can lead but be an irrelevant leader; it is remind me that leader is not a position but a function to serve others.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Which of the four lessons discussed in this lecture challenges you most? Why?


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