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This activity supports learning objective 2.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?


  • Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?

    Lynda Park replied 3 days, 19 hours ago 41 Members · 40 Replies
  • Elaine Chu

    08/30/2023 at 18:06

    It will make the message relevant, and I would like to pay attention to listening with the hope of finding a solution to address my needs.

  • Edward Oliver,jr.

    02/13/2023 at 18:06

    Most preachers, I have heard usually tell a joke for their “ho-hum” and then they would build their bridge after feeling the room.

  • Sharon

    01/10/2023 at 16:44

    It’s important to surface a need for the audience right away because you will lose their attention if you don’t. I heard a sermon in a New Year’s Eve service entitled Show Your Work. The speaker captured my attention by relating a personal story involving a course in high school.

  • Erik Horwedel

    12/01/2022 at 09:22

    To grab and hold their attention.

    I once used an object to achieve this, it was a crooked stick/staff to demonstrate our own crooked perspective of life and How God redeems it through His grace, mercy and the power of the Holy Spirits transformative work within.

    The crooked Stick/Staff seemed to grab the attention, and the interest was held with the analogy of broken and crooked perspective,the need to see His truth of love, grace and mercy more clearly.

  • Johnson Onyedinma Ndubuisi

    10/28/2022 at 07:33

    For one to stand and wait to hear from someone, it’s because he or she has a need that needed to be addressed. A preacher that can steer the attention of his audience toward their need will keep them engaged until they can pick up answers to their needs.

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