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This activity supports learning objective 2.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?


  • Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?

    Lynda Park replied 3 days, 6 hours ago 41 Members · 40 Replies
  • Erick Goodman

    08/10/2021 at 20:26

    When people are at a service or an event their immediate question to themselves is “Is this going to be boring or will this be something I’m glad I heard. ”

  • Pauline Anderson

    08/10/2021 at 14:45

    It’s important because we want to get and hopefully keep their attention. Addressing a current need is likely to accomplish that. I’m sure I’ve heard many, but none comes to mind right now.

  • Tracey Brown

    08/09/2021 at 10:17

    It is important because you have about 15 to 20 seconds to grab the attention of the listener. A former Pastor was able to do this well. He would start the sermon off with an attention-grabbing story that captivated the listener, leaving the listener wanting to know how this message from God could improve their life.

  • Roy

    07/08/2021 at 04:17

    It is important to surface a need right away because people are interested in what they need. And when the interest is aroused, then they will listen to you.

    Recently I have attending one webinar. The catchy introduction got me hooked. It was tailored to my need for a better pension.


    06/29/2021 at 09:11

    The audience will give attention to topics they are interested in, and they are most interested in what they need. So, when you surfaced a need for your audience right away, you got a better chance of getting and holding their attention.
    I recalled a speech that was delivered by an ISO Consultant that spoke to our needs. However, before he commenced, he required each of us to ask questions about ISO. Then, based on these questions, he gave us a lucid explanation of all the topics we need and related to our industry—no waffle and straight to the point.

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