Lesson 1, Activity 4

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain how serving Christ in the workplace can be just as powerful as serving Christ in the church or the mission field.


  • Cynthia Davis

    10/03/2024 at 13:14

    We are Christ’s hands and feet on the earth…we are a light in this dark work. When I am with others in the workplace or the community, I shine my light by being kind, loving, and serving others

  • Gail Bradley

    07/13/2024 at 16:41

    To be of serve to God in the workplace means to put Christ before everything else. By having a Christian heart at work could set a new level of ethical standards. The atmosphere could become richer. You could encourage honest and integrity. There are so many other great qualities available through the practice of Christianity provided through biblical scriptures applicable for the improvement of interoffice communication. Galatians (5: 22-23) says the fruitage of the spirit, against such things there is no law.

  • Remona Burks

    07/07/2024 at 13:04

    Serving Christ i the workplace gives you an opportunity to be an example of how have God in your life makes you become a better steward, in character,personal,integrity and in servitude as if youre doing it unto God.

  • Helen Langley

    06/07/2024 at 16:12

    We are all called to be the light of the world no matter where we may find ourselves. This includes our respective workplaces. The people that we encounter there need to know Christ just as much as anyone elsewhere. It is important that we reflect Jesus at work and therefore treat it as the mission field that it is. Most of the time we will have more chances to connect with non-believers outside of the confines of the traditional church in other places like where we work. Most lost people will never don the doors of the church and must be met where they can be found. So, serving Christ while at work is an essential form of outreach and a very powerful opportunity afforded to us as believers.

  • Linda Hurst

    03/07/2024 at 12:18

    My work is my mission field.

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Christian Learning Center Forums How does a biblical worldview differ from a nonbiblical worldview as it relates to life’s purpose? What is the significant difference?


  • Gail Bradley

    07/13/2024 at 16:53

    There would be more than 2000 years of missed culture and transformation of human behavior being carried out for the sake of improving the quality of human life, spiritual. Nonbiblical worldview would introduce a more scientific view of human nature. In contrast to the bible, which introduces such characteristics as leadership, faith, patience, love, and mercy, without such qualities man is doom to destruction with no hope of recovery. As we well know Christ is the center of the Holy Scripture. The bible says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ our Lord (Roman 6:23).

  • Remona Burks

    07/07/2024 at 13:05

    It helps us understand the things of our world a little better when we view it through the eyes of Gods word.

  • Helen Langley

    06/07/2024 at 16:25

    There is a significant difference between the biblical worldview and the secular nonbiblical one. The main difference is that the biblical worldview is that we are to be reconciled with Christ one day and live eternally in heaven. We have a reason to hope. A Christian’s life has a real purpose and a meaning. According to Jeremiah 29:11 “Christ has promised us a hope and a future”. Our purpose in life as believers is to be living reflections of Jesus, spreading the Good News everywhere and in every way that we can. Christians live with others in mind and not themselves. Oftentimes, the secular worldview is far less optimistic. They may believe that they have no real purpose in life and that life is in fact meaningless. They may believe that there is nothing to look forward to when they die. To them life’s purpose is to look out for themselves and to simply be the best person that they can while on this earth. They strive to live a “good” life that will never measure up and be good enough. People with a nonbiblical worldview merely go through the motions without any true hope or meaningful purpose.

  • Linda Hurst

    03/07/2024 at 12:20

    I know that God is my “boss”.

    He is watching even when no one else is. I work with excellence to give Him glory.

  • Alvin Neira

    02/13/2024 at 20:38

    well, the non-biblical worldview does not take into account what God has to say about life, and our future.

    the difference between worldviews is that biblical worldview is dependent, in God’s word and God leading us with it. The non-biblical view is dependent on one’s own experiences and life is lived by trial and error. uncertainty is the way of the world which brings more stress and anxiety.

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Christian Learning Center Forums What new insights did you learn from being mindful of time and the seasons of life? Why is this important?


  • Gail Bradley

    07/13/2024 at 16:57

    How precious time is and how so very little I am getting out of life. It makes me want to do more for others while improving myself and my relationship with God.

  • Remona Burks

    07/07/2024 at 13:07

    Mostly to cherish every moment, to consider life as a gift everyday

  • Helen Langley

    06/07/2024 at 16:28

    I was reminded of the brevity of life and how truly short our time here actually is. We are but a vapor, here one moment and gone the next. Therefore, we must work diligently while we have the chance. We should use our time wisely and be about the business of the Kingdom. In the end, that is the only thing that really counts anyways.

  • Linda Hurst

    03/07/2024 at 12:23

    It is important to be mindful that I only have today and to plan for tomorrow. If things are tough today then it is preparing me for my next task.

  • David Kew

    12/26/2023 at 22:34

    I realize that my time on this earth is short. So, I must be mindful of the activities that I get involved in and make sure they glorify God. Also, I need to make sure I make myself to be available to be used by God .

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Christian Learning Center Forums Why is a time of prayer and reflection and a resolve to love God and others necessary for setting the course for a life that honors God?


  • Helen Langley

    06/07/2024 at 17:39

    “God is love” – 1 John 4:8. So, we must love as Christ loves. Prayer is an essential element of the Christian life, as is Bible study. This is how we learn to properly honor God and find right direction for our lives. These activities allow us to live a life that honors God. These things keep us close to the Father and in his will for our lives. The course of our lives should be dictated by hearing from God during prayer time.

  • Linda Hurst

    03/07/2024 at 12:28

    I must continually ground myself back to God and the Bible. I am in this world, but not of this world. It is easy to focus on myself and others…I need to focus on God while serving others.

  • Alvin Neira

    02/13/2024 at 21:22

    because those practices is what is going to help us stay focus on God and not on challenges that we will face as we try to honor Him.

  • David Kew

    12/26/2023 at 22:39

    I realize that I must take a pause everyday and spend time with Jesus. This is necessary for me to stay centered and focused.

  • Mandi

    12/13/2023 at 13:19

    It is within God’s will for us to do that. That’s how He wants us to live our lives. And through that, others will be able to see Christ in us.

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