Faith at Work
Lesson OneLife Assessment4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoCalling and Giftedness4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeMentoring4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourIntegration of Faith and Work4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveEvangelism and Apologetics in the Workplace4 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 126
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Explain how serving Christ in the workplace can be just as powerful as serving Christ in the church or the mission field.
Tagged: ML218-01
Explain how serving Christ in the workplace can be just as powerful as serving Christ in the church or the mission field.
Cynthia Davis replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 19 Members · 19 Replies
Your colleagues can see the difference in your actions, how you will handle the situations and your attitudes towards others. Your actions speak for your faith and are the most powerful witness to others.
You may be the only Bible people ever read. Someone in the workplace may not be familiar with God or the Good News. They may have a barrier up at first and something may be keeping them from seeking and knowing God. If you serve Christ in everything you do, people will notice that and that will glorify God. It will lead people to seek God.
God has given us gifts to bring him glory and this can be achieved by and through our work. Colossians 3:23 teaches us “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” People in our workplace need to see what a life transformed by Jesus looks like and life in the workplace is full-time Christian service.
Both are the same in that we are serving Christ where we are. We can provide witness with our words and actions towards others and when an opportunity arises to discuss why it is that live the way we do we can provide our testimonies and share the gospel, just as Christ has commanded in the great commission
The focus is ministering the love of Jesus to lost souls. Also a mission field is not defined as Africa. It is the store you frequent, the bus you take daily, the gym, your workplace, your neighborhood. It’s anywhere where people need to be ministered to.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How does a biblical worldview differ from a nonbiblical worldview as it relates to life’s purpose? What is the significant difference?
Tagged: ML218-01
How does a biblical worldview differ from a nonbiblical worldview as it relates to life’s purpose? What is the significant difference?
Gail Bradley replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 16 Members · 15 Replies
A biblical worldview sees life as not about ourselves but about living for Christ and doing the good works He has created us to do. A biblical worldview focuses on living for Christ and for His glory in all that we do and with all that we are. A non-biblical worldview of life is focused on the self and the pursuit of what one thinks will provide them meaning and happiness based on emotion and what other worldly teaching supports
The biblical worldview is to please God and glorify God in everything relating to life’s purposes. It functions to acknowledge and honor God throughout our lives, rather than please men.
The focus of a Biblical view is glorifying God with one’s life. The focus of a world view is self. It does not consider serving God but serving self.
In biblical worldview we live and do things to honor God, in nonbiblical worldview people live and do things to please humen.
In a biblical worldview we live our lives in such a way that brings praise, honor and glory to God and His Son.
In a nonbiblical worldview we live our lives in ways that brings praise, honor and glory to ourselves.
In a biblical worldview we live to please God whereas in a nonbiblical worldview we live to please ourselves.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What new insights did you learn from being mindful of time and the seasons of life? Why is this important?
Tagged: ML218-01
What new insights did you learn from being mindful of time and the seasons of life? Why is this important?
Gail Bradley replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 13 Members · 12 Replies
We must realize that life passes by quickly, like a flower that blooms today but withers away tomorrow. We must do all we can to serve God and bring honor to Him each day.
Life is fleeting and passes fast. It is like a flower that blooms today and withers away tomorrow.
We must realize that life can change or even possibly end at any second and we must do all we can to bring honor to God and to serve Him each and every day.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Why is a time of prayer and reflection and a resolve to love God and others necessary for setting the course for a life that honors God?
Tagged: ML218-01
Why is a time of prayer and reflection and a resolve to love God and others necessary for setting the course for a life that honors God?
Helen Langley replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 15 Members · 14 Replies
Prayer involves recognizing God’s presence and seeking Him for guidance. Resolving to love God and others is the sum of all the commandments. When we do this, we are fulfilling our highest purpose, which is to glorify God. This is a life that honors Him.
By reflection we can see where we have come up short in serving God and areas that need to improve, find out what is wrong things that we did and pray to God to help us not to repeat again.
By reflecting on God’s word we can learn and understand what God wanted us to be in details.
In our prayer, we can request for God’s help and guide on our dairy lift and reminded us to honor him in everything to do. -
Through prayer we can ask God to lead and guide us through our daily lives and to show us where we are coming up short of honoring Him and we can also ask Him for ways to honor Him.
By reflection we can look back at our lives and see where we have come up short in serving God and can see areas where we need to improve, things we need to stop doing or things we need to start doing.
By reflecting on God’s word we can begin to understand it more and see places in God’s word where we need to do more studying. -
The word states that if God is for us He is more than the whole world that is against us. God is the reason for our existence here on earth He created man kind in His own image. We can thank God for the greast gift that keep blessing us and keep on giving “JESUS” that along is worthy of all the praise and glory to the ALMIGHTY GOD. Thank You LORD!!!!!!!!!!