Lesson 2, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to understand who Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount were meant to apply to?


  • Melisza Coates

    01/26/2022 at 18:46

    It is important to understand who the Sermon on the Mount were meant to apply to because the Sermon on the Mount is meant for believers on how we must live each day and react in every situation.

  • Sherry Robertson

    01/19/2022 at 08:16

    To understand how to apply them. If they were meant for only individuals, then they are just between God and the individual. If they were meant for the church, then to understand how the institution of the church, individuals in unity, should agree to apply kingdom principles, and how to encourage members to adopt them or come back to them should they stray. If a government, then how the government should organize itself and enforce Kingdom values. So, is it personal with prayer, is it encouragement between each other, or is it to be enforced by those in power. Of course, I’m influenced by Western individualism, so to me there is an enforcement involved since I have freedom to choose a different way, if applied to government. The government of a more collective nature could view beatitudes how our nation collectively, as a society, values internal matters, and enforcement would take on a more last resort, punitive nature if one chooses their own path. I think, I’m not sure about that last part about if applied to government.

  • Joy Thomas

    01/17/2022 at 21:37

    We need to understand who the teachings of Sermon on the Mount were meant to in order to apply the principles in practical life.

  • Margaret Lim

    01/12/2022 at 08:27

    We need to recognize that the Sermon on the Mount is meant for everyone of us who claim to be followers of the Lord Jesus. How else can we then live out Kingdom values and fulfill Matthew 5:13-16?

  • Walter Fisher

    12/12/2021 at 16:05

    So we know if it is meant for us (Christians) personally.

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