Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, the value in learning about Paul’s life and the various personas he adopted when sharing the gospel.


  • Stephanie Christian

    07/18/2022 at 20:25

    Paul had a very varied life which led him to be the impactful apostle that he was. His passion for Christ is evident in his many trips and sufferings. His life can teach us so much not only about Christ, but also about the Christian life.

  • Hobe Ewing

    06/20/2022 at 22:43

    Never thought “being all things to all people” was actually divided into his ministry in this way. It made him very relatable to all people of all backgrounds and ethnic groups.

  • Jason Sumner

    06/19/2022 at 18:03

    Learing about Paul’s life is extremely helpful in understanding the entire New Testament. It is also helpful, because it helps us to “Imitate Paul as he imitates Christ.” I look forward to the remainder of this study! The first video was a blessing, as I am a “visual thinker.”
    Confession: I am also on a mission to try and figure out if Paul wrote Hebrews. I expect that this study might help me to come to a better understanding of who wrote Hebrews.

  • London Coates

    05/05/2022 at 19:31

    paul had a lot of miracle but he was very passionate about God no matter what and he loved sharing the gospel

  • Sun Riehm

    04/06/2022 at 14:04

    I thought Paul’s life journey as an apostles was a mix of miracles, rejoices and (good) surprises… But i later found Paul was a human (just like me) who went thru a pile of challenges (physically and spiritually every single day), that makes me encouraged, relieved as a Comrade..

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