Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, the value in learning about Paul’s life and the various personas he adopted when sharing the gospel.


  • Suzanne Sulzer

    09/14/2024 at 22:16

    As we grow and mature as Christians our focus can change. Our faith is not stagnant. God uses the different stages of our life along with our ever growing knowledge of Him to change and shape how our walk looks like through out our life.

  • Kimberly Essenburg

    09/13/2024 at 19:05

    Paul’s passion was to know Jesus and make him known everywhere, and he’d go to great lengths and take on many roles/personas to do this. As I learn more about Paul and his passion, I hope to increasingly share in it–to know Jesus as Paul did, and to follow Paul’s example as he followed Jesus.

  • Danielle Gloudeman

    07/06/2024 at 17:41

    Paul was an apostle who was wholeheartedly committed to living the life Christ has called him to live. He did so unashamedly in front of all different kinds of people. In his example, I am challenged and encouraged to follow suit and prioritize Christ in all situations. Paul knew what it was life to adapt to the people he was with in order to contextualize the gospel and make Christ known. From Greeks to Roman officials to Jews, he did not hold back in evangelizing. This is why it matters to study him and pay attention to how he lived his life.

  • Leong

    06/16/2024 at 00:49

    Paul was very passionate about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, not only to his fellow Jews, but more so to the Gentiles. We may perhaps catch that passion and learn some of his strategies if we study about his life. We know that, particularly for cross-cultural missions, it is important to be able to identify with the target culture you are preaching to. Hence studying about Paul’s various personas may help us to do that.


  • Rosanne Kwiecien

    04/06/2024 at 18:54

    Learning about the life of Paul is important because of the life example he provides us with. Paul had many different personas or costumes as outlined. It was a result of these different costumes that he was able to impact and reach so many. Understanding his life better helps us to reach others as well.

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