Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, the value in learning about Paul’s life and the various personas he adopted when sharing the gospel.


  • Lauren Dashineau

    04/06/2023 at 15:47

    Paul is the model of someone who loves Christ and wants to emulate his desire to spread the God’s word, God’s plan for how humanity should exist. He does this willingly even though he realizes at the outset that this involves suffering for the cause of spreading this word of God. By contrast it makes us realize that as believers ourselves, we have someone to follow who exemplifies the life of a true believer who walks the walk. Following the walk as set out by Paul will bring us closer to Christ in our personal mission as Christians.

  • Curt Davis

    03/07/2023 at 06:03

    The value we get from learning about Paul’s life is how he loved the lord Jesus Christ and with that love he wanted to tell the world about him. This should excite us and be an example for us to love the lord Jesus and use his examples to reach the world and those around us with the gospel of Christ.

  • Curt Davis

    03/06/2023 at 06:08

    The value of learning about Paul’s life is that we learn about Christ and his amazing grace and how Paul desired to tell the world about it

  • Karl Durst

    03/05/2023 at 12:24

    As Christians we need to appeal to as many people in our society as possible. Paul wanted to speak about Jesus all of the time, and while most of us don’t, we should.

  • Faith Howard

    02/23/2023 at 16:01

    I feel that Paul’s life demonstrates the qualities of commitment and flexibility. I’m interested in how he was a zealous persecutor of Christians and then converted to a zealous promoter of the message of Jesus. This shows me his commitment (or devotion really) to his beliefs but also that he is flexible enough to learn and change. I also see his flexibility in the way in which he is able to mould himself into whichever persona is necessary in order to reach people from all walks of life and backgrounds.

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