Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, the value in learning about Paul’s life and the various personas he adopted when sharing the gospel.


  • Brenda Rose

    02/21/2023 at 15:54

    One of the values of Paul’s life was he was no respecter of person. He would also be who he needed to be to preach the gospel to someone. Sometimes we as Christians will use language that an unbeliever doesn’t understand. Paul says in 1 Cor. 9:20 that when he is with someone, he becomes them without jeopardizing his belief in Jesus. His only concern is to bring them to Christ.
    How to spread the gospel and not lose the importance of the message while conversing with someone would be a great value in learning about Paul’s life.

  • Amanda Morgan

    02/17/2023 at 15:02

    Even though Paul faced difficulties, he would react not as some may react today. Looking forward as I continue to go through these lessons.

  • Maureen Longfellow

    02/08/2023 at 15:45

    Paul’s mission is to tell the good news of Jesus Christ. Traveling around, he would have to know the people, their culture, their language. All of the personas help him in his mission. Living in the US, I would say going to Miami, FL, Valdosta, GA , Cicero, IL and Santa Fe, NM Paul would have to take on many personas and speak in language (words) they would understand. Everyone is welcomed into God’s Kingdom and it was Paul’s mission to show the way.

  • Cassandra Turner

    01/28/2023 at 11:51

    The value in learning about Paul’s life and various personas he adopted when sharing the gospel is to know that perseverance is key. Paul was great at what he did as Saul, and carried his tenacity and zeal over as Paul, preaching and teaching about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is valuable in that it encourages me to continue on the Gospel journey set before me, not giving up or giving into the snares we as children of GOD come up against. It is “ours” to suffer also.

  • Eric Vannortwick

    01/26/2023 at 08:07

    Learn more about Jesus via Paul.

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