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Christian Learning Center Forums In your own words, give a brief explanation of how the New Testament came to be.


  • Christine Schade

    07/12/2022 at 21:21

    The New Testament came to be by a measuring process called the “Cannon”. In order to be considered for the New Testament scholars used the Cannon to determine weather the writings met the the requirements of the Cannon.

  • Annemarie Long

    07/02/2022 at 13:42

    The New Testament has been placed together after careful historical and scriptural study. While there is a 400 year gap between the OT and NT, there were various writings that were found to be historical, yet not aligned with coming promise of Jesus. In order for the NT to have been canonized, scholars had to view and find multiple transcripts and artifacts to determine whether or not they are accurate and aligned with the previous scriptural writings. Scholars had to determine which books were accurate, which were false teachings and which were more historical in context but not scriptural.

  • Kelly Boyette

    06/30/2022 at 22:26

    The New Testament came to be as transcripts of Scripture were discovered throughout the centuries. Ecumentical religious leaders gathered throughout the Roman empire to discuss thelogical issues of the time including the validity of the transcripts that would be included in the Canon. The criteria used to ensure the validity of the transcripts before they were included in the Canon of Scripture are as follows: Consistancy, Catholicity, and Apostolic Authority. There is more textual evidence for the Canon of Scripture than any other ancient writings. Almost complete transcriptions of the New Testament were found by the end of New Testament times and complete New Testaments were found by the 4-5th centuries. It would seem that the God, in his providential knowledge and omnicience, orhestrated the writing, preserving, transcribing, and finding of the holy Scriptures. It has endured for centuries because it is the inspired Word of God.

  • Joyce Whitney-davies

    06/13/2022 at 18:43

    The new testament is a God inspired series of writings documenting the life and times of Jesus, his teachings, and is written by an apostle.

  • Philip Gray

    05/23/2022 at 20:45

    The NT was God inspired writings by Jesus’ apostles or those working closely with them. In the first and second centuries these writings were examined for accuracy and whether they met certain criteria.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Describe in your own words, the three major criteria the twenty-seven books of the New Testament had to meet to be included in the New Testament.


  • Johann

    05/04/2023 at 13:56

    It could not have been a simple task, far from it, for the early scribes and early church leaders/fathers to decide which books were suitable for inclusion in the New Testament.
    The authenticity of the Old Testament was understandably held in high and holy esteem. Therefore, the consistency element would be first and foremost in their consideration.
    Furthermore, they would be searching for universal acceptance of these writings by the Christians of that period. Catholicity was of prime importance.
    The books would have to have been authored by an apostle.

  • Barrington Marshall

    03/25/2023 at 02:57

    Consistency: They did not contradict the old testament documents. Catholicity: they were circulated and found to be accurate, helpful and widely accepted. Apostolic authority: they were written by an apostle or someone closely associated with an apostle.

  • Lindsey Artrip

    03/24/2023 at 12:26

    They had to be consistent with Scripture in the Old Testament, accepted and used by many Christians during the time period, and they had to have been written by an apostle or someone close to them for credibility of the events.

  • Gary Jackson

    03/08/2023 at 23:27

    First, the book had to be consistent with already accepted Scripture.
    Second, it had to be widely accepted and found useful in the churches.
    Third, it had to be writen by an apostle, or by a close associate of an apostle.

  • Walter Funk

    01/06/2023 at 16:02

    They had to be authored by an apostle or someone who was close to the apostles and must support and not contradict earlier scriptures and circulated widly and found helpful

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