Acts: Crucifixion, Resurrection and Proclamation
Lesson OneFrom the World to the Cross, From the Cross to the Skies5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoWhat Influenced Life's Daily Routines for Jesus5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeActs: The Early Church Explodes on the Scene5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourActs: The Church That Refused to Stop Growing5 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 79
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What does Jesus teach us about unity through His prayer for His disciples in John 17? How would you define unity in the church? Do you think it is possible to accomplish unity in the church? If so, how? If not, why not?
Tagged: NT222-01
What does Jesus teach us about unity through His prayer for His disciples in John 17? How would you define unity in the church? Do you think it is possible to accomplish unity in the church? If so, how? If not, why not?
Pearl Kiaha replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 14 Members · 13 Replies
I was really struck by the idea the the purpose of unity in the church is to spread the gospel. That when we break unity with the church, we sacrifice our unity with Jesus because the church is Jesus new body.
Jesus wants us to be unified because it represents the bond of eternity just as the trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The church needs to be unified to show the love of Jesus and yes they can come together by avoiding gossip, build others up, work together in humility, giving their time and money, exalt Christ, and refuse to get sidetracked with the worldly ways.
Unity is one body with one purpose, to live and glorify God. There are so many denominations that makes the Church not look unified. It is not possible because people are involved in the process.
Jesus emphasizes several times how He longs for His disciples (and even for “those who will believe in [Him] through their word-v. 20) to be one as Jesus and the Father are one. He longs for us to not be divided but one in Him and in the Father. Unity in the church should be a reflection of fellowship, the evident fruit of the Spirit, and the open invitation of His Spirit to work in and through the people of the church. I do believe it is possible to have unity in the church and even in Christian schools and organizations. Jesus prayed that those whom the Father has given Him will be a beautiful reflection of the relationship that the Son and the Father have (v.11) and in turn, “the world may believe that [God] sent [Him]” (v.21). As we remain steadfast in keeping Jesus the center of our churches, we will have the unity that He has prayed that we remain in.
We see Jesus and the Father are united, as Jesus is completing all the the tasks that the Father sent Him to perform. He desires that His followers be united in the Great Commission, so the world we see true Christianity lived out. Sadly, many in the church of today do not study the Bible for themselves and some church’s doctrines have moved far away from the Bible. This is what had happened in 1517 when Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses. Because sin is still in the world, there are church divisions. When we all have our glorified bodies in heaven, there will be no more division.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How does Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane reveal His utter dependence on the Father? What can you learn from this prayer and how can you apply it to your life during times of suffering?
Tagged: NT222-01
How does Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane reveal His utter dependence on the Father? What can you learn from this prayer and how can you apply it to your life during times of suffering?
Pearl Kiaha replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 18 Members · 17 Replies
Jesus perfectly listened to, and carried out, what the Father said. Jesus, as personal Savior and my Lord, says, “If you love Me, then you will follow Me, do what I tell you.” This means, whatever the situation, as a disciple, it must be THY WILL BE DONE. I thank Him for such grace and mercy to do this.
Jesus’ humanity is facing the ultimate test, death. He, i His humanity, asks God, the Father, to let the cup pass, if it be His will. Yet, obediently, He accepts the fact that He has to pay the heavy price for all our sins. It is intimate, to the point of sweating blood drops – oh, that I may gain insight into such deep, sincere devotion when praying to God, the Father and Jesus. That, I believe, is a true realization and exercising of true faith.
Jesus prays for God’s will over his own. This is huge. How many times do we wine and complain that things do not go our way? Jesus does not do this he willingly accepts God’s plan knowing the consequences.
Jesus was not asking God to not do what He needed to do but showing that He understands how humans suffer but with having faith that God will help you through the trials that you can handle what ever the situation may be.
His prayer is seen when he states “Let this cup pass”, and “not by My will but Yours”. Shows his submission to the will of the Father and his understanding of the necessity of the process.