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Ephesians and Colossians: Prison Epistles, Part 1

  1. Lesson One
    Overview of Ephesians (Ephesians 1–6)
    22 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Authority and Power (Ephesians Review)
    23 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Author and Audience (Ephesians Review)
    16 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Colossians Overview (Colossians 1–4)
    19 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Paul's Ethics (Colossians, Romans 6 Review)
    14 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Grab your Workbook Journal!

[Record your answers in the workbook provided at the beginning of this course.]

As we’re reading Colossians, you may be hearing echoes of Galatians. Dr. Lars Kierspel has mapped out some of the connections between these two books below. 

Feel free to navigate and browse the passages in the YouVersion window.

  • Circumcision: Galatians 2:1-10, 12, 5:1-12; 6:15; Colossians 2:8-15
  • Sabbath, special days: Galatians 4:10; Colossians 2:16
  • Food laws: Galatians 2:11-18; Colossians 2:16, 21-22
  • Elements of the world and angels: Galatians 4:3, 9; 3:19; Colossians 2:8, 18, 20
  • Denial of social and ethical distinctions: Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:1

    Source: Lars Kierspel, Charts on the Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul, 2012, p. 126.

  1. What do you notice about these subjects? What do they have in common?
  1. What might this tell us about the audience for these letters?
Colossians and Galatians Parallels

Paul’s audience in Colossae appears to consist of both Jewish and gentile believers. And yet, they appear to be struggling with issues of “Judaizing,” similar to what we encountered in Galatians. The fact that this letter is not as harsh or critical as Galatians indicates that the Colossians are handling these issues better than the church in Galatia. On the other hand, the mere fact that Paul is addressing these at all means that at least a threat of a similar problem exists in Colossae.