Philippians and Philemon: Prison Epistles, Part 2
Lesson OneOverview of Philippians (Philippians 1–4)22 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Philippians 1–4
In | Workbook: Joy in Philippians
In | The Mind of Christ in Believers
In | Workbook: A Christ Poem in Philippians
In | Workbook: Two Sermons Around the Christ Poem
In | Joy and Rejoicing
In | Unity in the Midst of Turmoil
In | Workbook: Piecing Together Paul’s Biography
In | Workbook: Philippians and Isaiah
Behind | Workbook: “ . . . a Hymn to Christ as to a god”
Behind | Onsite: Philippi - First Converts in Europe
Behind | Citizenship in Philippi
Behind | Paul vs. the Stoics on Suffering
Behind | Onsite: Paul's Religious Resume - View from a Philippian Latrine
Behind | 360 View: Philippi - Public Latrine
Behind | The Mystical Value of Suffering
Behind | Onsite: Philippi - The Birth of the Christian Church in Europe
In Front | The Source and Focus of Our Joy
In Front | Lessons from the Persecuted Church
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
Getting Started
Lesson TwoPhilippians: Suffering and Community (Philippians Review)22 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Philippians Review
In | Workbook: A Pattern of Life and Death in Philippians
In | Paul the Citizen and Prisoner
In | Suffering and Heavenly Citizenship
In | Workbook: Paul’s Prayer in Philippians and Colossians
In | Partners in the Gospel
In | Workbook: Paul Teaching by Example
In | Paul Teaching by Example
Behind | Friendship, Patronage, Reciprocity
Behind | Teaching by Example in the Ancient World
Behind | Feigned Perplexity in Philippians
Behind | Roman Citizenship and Jail
Behind | Onsite: Citizen and Prisoner
Behind | 360 View: Philippi - Prison of Paul
In Front | Workbook: Relationships and Recommendations
In Front | Letters from Jail
In Front | Martin Luther King, Jr.
In Front | Workbook: Martin Luther King, Jr.
In Front | A Focus on Suffering and Death
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Philippians
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeOverview of Philemon22 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Philemon
In | Workbook: Themes in Philemon
In | Introductory Prayer
In | Prayer and Thanksgiving
In | Paul's Appeal
In | Aspects of Reconciliation in Philemon
In | Workbook: Aspects of Reconciliation in Philemon
In | Workbook: Colossians and Philemon
Behind | Onsite: Philemon and Onesimus
Behind | Advocacy, Mediation, Commendation
Behind | Workbook: A Letter of Benefaction, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: A Letter of Benefaction, Part 2
Behind | Workbook: A Letter of Benefaction, Part 3
Behind | Workbook: A Letter of Benefaction, Part 4
Behind | Onsite: Paul's Prison Letters - View from St. Paul's
In Front | Getting Personal in Ministry
In Front | Paul Sends Onesimus as a Test
In Front | Family Ethic and Ideal Society
In Front | Workbook: Ask Only What You Pray For
In Front | Workbook: An Agent of Reconciliation
Getting Started
Lesson FourPaul and Slavery (Philemon, Romans 6 Review)17 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Review Philemon, Romans 6
In | Workbook: Slavery as a Metaphor in Paul
In | Slaves of Christ
In | Submission and Kindness
In | Slavery and "Freedom"
In | The Word “Slave” in the OT
Behind | Slavery in the Roman Empire
Behind | Workbook: Slavery in Rome
Behind | Slavery in the NT Church
In Front | How Does Paul Respond to Slavery?
In Front | Use and Misuse of Slavery Texts
In Front | Prohibitions and Protections in the Old Testament
In Front | Eved in Translation, Part 2
In Front | The Gospel as a Liberating Force
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Philemon
Getting Started
Lesson FiveSocial Impact9 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
In Front | Workbook: A Social Cause
In Front | The Social Impact of the Bible
In Front | American Civil Rights and the Bible
In Front | Imperialism and the Bible
In Front | The Bible and the Environment
In Front | Personal Relationships and Big Ideas
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 28
Behind | 360 View: Philippi – Public Latrine
Use your VR goggles or scan around with your mouse to visit to the public latrine in Philippi!
Transport yourself to the land of the Bible with a 360-degree video tour. Virtual Reality helps students improve deep learning and retention through active, immersive, self-directed experiences. VR goggles are sometimes called “empathy machines” for today’s digital generation. You can access this virtual reality technology more easily with VR goggles that can cost as little as $8.
To use your VR goggles, you’ll need to log into Bible Journey on your phone or tablet as well as download the YouTube app on your mobile phone or tablet. Scan the QR code for your goggles for the easiest setup and functionality. Then, when you come to 360-degree video in your Bible Journey courses, you’ll be able to select the option to transfer to the YouTube app to watch the video. Insert your phone into your goggles to watch the video through your VR goggles. More detailed instructions can be found with your individual pair of goggles; different pairs may work slightly differently.