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James and 1, 2, and 3 John
Lesson OneOverview of James18 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: James
In | Workbook: Faith that Behaves
In | Key Themes in James
In | Ministry in the Church
In | Outlining Books in the Bible
In | An Outline of James
In | Old Testament Wisdom
In | James and Proverbs
In | Literary Forms, Part 1
Behind | Jewish Wisdom Sources for James
Behind | Onsite: Biblical Healing and Ancient Magic: View from the Pergamum Asclepion
In Front | Worldview of the Wisdom Tradition
In Front | Wisdom in Suffering
In Front | The Early Influence and Authority of James
In Front | Workbook: Writing with James
In Front | James and Kierkegaard
Getting Started
Lesson TwoJames and Scripture19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: James Review
In | Workbook: Leviticus and James
In | Leviticus and James
In | James and the Old Testament
In | James and the Sermon on the Mount
In | Workbook: Matthew and James - The Life of Faith
In | Workbook: Matthew and James - Faith in Action
In | Matthew and James: Faith in Action
In | James and Paul: Faith and Works
Behind | Who Is James?
Behind | "To the Twelve Tribes Scattered"
Behind | Onsite: "To the Dispersion"
Behind | 360 View: Synagogue of Sardis, View 1
Behind | 360 View: Synagogue of Sardis, View 2
In Front | Faith and Works in the NT
In Front | Workbook: The Book of James and Martin Luther
In Front | Paul and James on Justification: Works and Faith
Getting Started
Lesson Three1 John21 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 1 John
In | Workbook: Dichotomies in 1 John, Part 1
In | Workbook: Dichotomies in 1 John, Part 2
In | Key Themes and Dichotomies in 1 John
In | Brothers and Outsiders
In | Belief and Denial
In | Doubt and Truth
In | Workbook: God vs the World
In | The Spirit Abides in Us
In | Workbook: Living in YHWH: Does the Father Abide in Us Too?
In | Living in YHWH: Does the Father Abide in Us Too?
In | Christians Are “Little Anointed Ones”
Behind | Who Is John?
Behind | 1 John and the Gospel of John
Behind | John’s “Children”
Behind | Apostasy and Idolatry
In Front | That You Might Know
In Front | Faith, Security and License
In Front | Judgment and Fruit of the Spirit
Getting Started
Lesson Four2 and 3 John21 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: 2 and 3 John
In | Workbook: Greetings in 2 John
In | Greetings in 2 John
In | A Letter to a Lady and Her Sister
In | 2 John: Truth and Love
In | Mercy and Justice, Truth and Love
In | 3 John: Hospitality and Family
In | Diotrophes, Who Loves to Be First
Behind | Workbook: 2 John and the Gospel of John
Behind | 2 John and the Gospel of John
Behind | Workbook: 3 John and the Gospel of John, Part 1
Behind | 3 John and the Gospel of John
Behind | Workbook: 3 John and the Gospel of John, Part 2
Behind | Workbook: 3 John and the Gospel of John, Part 3
Behind | Authority and Influence
Behind | Church Stability and Tension
In Front | First Century Churches
In Front | Local and Regional Church
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
Getting Started
Lesson FiveProto-Gnosticism13 Activities
Getting Started
In | What We Have Seen with Our Eyes
In | Proto-Gnosticism: Dualism
Behind | The Biblical Balance
Behind | Workbook: Proto-Gnosticism and the Bible
Behind | Workbook: Gnosticism
Behind | Gnosticism
Behind | Workbook: Sin and Ignorance
Behind | Sin and Ignorance
In Front | The Physicality of Christ's Body
In Front | The Church Is Incarnational
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - 1, 2 and 3 John
Getting Started
Course Wrap-upCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 24
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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If you’ve had any experience with the book of James, you might be thinking of it as the book about faith and works. We’ll visit that tension in the next lesson. First, let’s see how deeply biblical James is in terms of its Old Testament foundations. Can you guess which part of the Hebrew Scriptures it has the most affinity with?
Once we make that connection clear, you’ll be in a better position to revisit the controversial topic of “works.”