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Bible Interpretation
Lesson OneEarly Bible Interpretation16 Activities|6 Assessments
Getting Started
In | Hermeneutics, Part 2
In | Hermeneutics, Part 3
In | Historical Interpretation
In | Legal and Liturgical Interpretation
In | Prophetic Interpretation
In | Workbook: Biblical Genres
Behind | Early Jewish Interpretation
Behind | Two Teachers, Two Sources
In Front | Christ-Centered Interpretation
In Front | Practical and Theological Concerns
In Front | Interpretation: Schools of Thought
In Front | Communities of Interpretation
In Front | Jewish and Christian Communities
In Front | Workbook: The Marcionite Canon
Getting Started
Lesson TwoModern Biblical Interpretation17 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
In Front | Modern Bible Interpretation
In Front | Erasmus the Moderate Reformer
In Front | Enlightenment and Interpretation
In Front | The Jefferson Bible, Part 2
In Front | A Prominent Image for the New World, Part 2
In Front | Charles Dickens’ The Life of Our Lord
In Front | Subjectivism and Interpretation
In Front | Ralph Waldo Emerson
In Front | Postmodernism and Interpretation
In Front | Hermeneutics of Advocacy
In Front | Workbook: Hermeneutics of Advocacy
In Front | Using the Bible for Agendas
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
In Front | Reliability and Infallibility
In Front | Sensus Plenior
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeSystematic and Biblical Theology13 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
In Front | Perennial Tensions
In Front | Workbook: Divine and Human Qualities, Part 1
In Front | Workbook: Divine and Human Qualities, Part 2
In Front | Systematic Theology, Part 1
In Front | A More Historical Approach
In Front | Biblical Theology, Part 1
In Front | Workbook: Biblical Theology
In Front | Lily Pad Theology
In Front | Workbook: Lily Pad Theology
In Front | Imperialism and the Bible
In Front | Civil Rights and the Bible
Getting Started
Lesson FourCase Study in Biblical Theology16 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
In | A Case Study in Biblical Theology
In | Workbook: Images for God in the Bible
In | Workbook: Images for People in Relation to God, Part 2
In | Shepherding: Biblical Leadership
Behind | Shepherd Leadership
Behind | Lessons from a Bedouin Shepherd [Bonus]
Behind | Workbook: Having the Heart of a Shepherd
Behind | Workbook: What Is the Most Basic Responsibility of a Shepherd?
Behind | Shepherds Feed and Water the Sheep
Behind | Workbook: The Next Most Important Responsibility of Shepherds
Behind | Protecting the Sheep
Behind | Competent and Cooperative Guidance [Bonus]
Behind | Workbook: Synthesizing Images
In Front | Threads in the Biblical Tapestry
Getting Started
Lesson FiveThe Context of Revelation10 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
In | Ancient Text and Genres, Part 2
Behind | Ways the Bible Is Not Unique
Behind | Workbook: The Bible’s Uniqueness
Behind | Biblical Fusion
Behind | Workbook: Biblical Fusion
In Front | Surprise and Ownership
In Front | Cultural Images and Contexts
In Front | Culture's Revelatory Dimension
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 44
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Hopefully now you can use a technical term like “hermeneutics” with some confidence. Although we usually avoid jargon, this is a helpful term that reminds us how important the principles and dynamics of human understanding are. A lot goes on when we think we’re simply reading the Bible, right?
You know enough now to realize the dangers of misunderstanding the Bible. A lot of the books we’ve studied in this course address false teaching. And one big source of false teaching is only paying attention to part of the Bible.
Let’s head now into the second half of Church history to see what’s happened since the academic study of the Bible entered the picture.