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History of the Bible

  1. Lesson One
    Revelation and Canon
    17 Activities
    2 Assessments
  2. Lesson Two
    Transmission and Translation
    19 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Reformation and Publication
    16 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    Modern Bible Translation
    15 Activities
    2 Assessments
  5. Lesson Five
    The Bible Movement Today
    14 Activities
    3 Assessments
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Wrap-Up
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson 4, Activity 1

Getting Started

Lesson Progress
0% Complete


What would you say is the purpose of Bible translation? One goal is to give everyone a Bible in their “mother tongue.” In Revelation we saw a vision of heaven where people from “every tribe, tongue and nation” are worshiping God. Another objective is to follow missionary evangelism and church planting with a Bible translation so churches can grow independently. The Bible is their source of authority.

In this lesson you’ll be inspired by the prospect of finishing the goal of Bible translation. You’ll also appreciate the unexpected hazards of Bible translation.