Lesson 3, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- How do we know that Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark?
- Who was the original audience of Mark’s gospel?
- What was Mark’s purpose for writing his gospel?
- How does Mark’s gospel introduce Jesus as the Messiah?
- How did Jesus demonstrate his power in Mark’s gospel?
- Why was the apostles’ affirmation that Jesus was the Messiah so significant?
- How did Jesus suffer during his messianic ministry?
- How did Jesus achieve victory through his resurrection?
- How did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament expectations about the Messiah as a suffering servant?
- How did Jesus display that he was the conquering King?
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions.
- What are some specific ways Mark’s gospel can help us endure hardships and persecution?
- How should we respond as we read about the miracles of Jesus and his preaching about the kingdom in Mark’s gospel?
- Why does Jesus call Christian leaders to be servants of their people?
- How can you exhibit servant leadership in your current circumstances and ministry?
- What are some specific ways we can respond to Jesus’ call for Christian perseverance and loyalty?
- What types of compromises are we permitted to make, given that following Jesus is often difficult?
- How should we make use of the power God has given us to suffer and serve?
- How do you feel knowing that being a follower of Christ will involve suffering and difficulties in this life?
- What can we learn from the various Jewish expectations of the Messiah?
- How can we remain hopeful in the victory of Jesus in the midst of suffering and persecution?
- What should be our response to doubts that arise about Jesus, since we don’t see him reigning on earth right now?
- How should we live in this time when the kingdom is temporarily veiled, growing slowly, and even suffering?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?