Lesson 5, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- How do we know that the Apostle John wrote the Gospel of John?
- What was the purpose for John writing his gospel?
- In John 1, how did John summarize the whole gospel?
- How did Jesus’ own people treat him when he began his public ministry?
- What events took place during Jesus’ private ministry?
- What things did the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry confirm?
- Why is the concept of believing so important to John’s gospel?
- How was Jesus the fulfillment of God’s ancient promises to his people Israel?
- How is Jesus’ identity as the Son of God parallel to his identity as the Christ?
- What is eternal life?
Application Questions
Application questions are intended for group discussions.
- How does knowing that John wrote the Gospel of John influence the way we read it?
- How should the purpose behind John’s gospel impact the way we live?
- How does Jesus’ farewell discourse apply to your life?
- How does John’s gospel influence the way we read the other gospels?
- How should we live knowing that Jesus has miraculously changed our lives?
- How should we live in light of Jesus’ resurrection and coming return?
- What encouragement do we gain from Jesus’ high priestly prayer?
- Why is it important to know that Jesus was willing to be crucified?
- What can we learn from Thomas being skeptical about Jesus’ resurrection?
- How should we view God’s Law, knowing that Jesus has fulfilled it?
- How should Jesus being “I Am” impact the way we read the Old and New Testaments?
- How should we respond to the gift of eternal life we have through Jesus?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?