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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Why should we believe that Paul wrote Ephesians?
  2. Why did Paul write the letter to the Ephesians?
  3. In what ways does knowing the background of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians help you better understand the letter he wrote?
  4. How does Paul’s teaching about praise and prayer function within the overall structure of the letter?
  5. Describe Paul’s teaching in Ephesians regarding the citizenship, administration and code for living within the Kingdom of God.
  6. Why and how are Christians to honor our divine King?
  7. Why should Christians work to build the kingdom of God?
  8. Describe Paul’s teaching about this age and the age to come.
  9. How are Christians to respond to the blessings we receive from Christ our King?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. What blessings and benefits result from being citizens of the kingdom of God?
  2. How does your understanding of the gospel fit with Paul’s teaching on the Kingdom of God?
  3. How should Paul’s teachings on the Kingdom of God shape our approach to Christians from different cultural or racial backgrounds?
  4. Dr. Kidd mentioned that “in Christ each believer is counted as if he or she were Jesus himself.” What practical implications should this have for you in your Christian life?
  5. How should our interaction with others inside the Kingdom of God differ from our interaction with those who belong to the kingdom of darkness?
  6. In light of Paul’s teachings in Ephesians, what are some practical things you can do to be more effective in your pursuit of moral purity?
  7. How is the relationship between a king and his subjects similar to God’s relationship to believers?
  8. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study?

Discussion Video

Additional information concerning the lesson topic is provided in a video presentation of a question and answer session. If you are struggling to understand any portion of the lesson or if you would simply like to deepen your understanding of the subject, this video will be helpful.