Overview and Objectives | Our Daily Bread University
Lesson 1, Activity 1

Overview and Objectives

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Lesson Objectives

When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:

  • We hope that you will learn the basic facts regarding the background issues surrounding the Epistle of James and come to identify the major teachings of this letter, as expressed in the Structure & Content portion of the lesson.
  • We hope you will become excited about studying the Epistle of James and committed to living a life that expresses your faith in a wise life style.
  • We hope you make some changes in your life as a response to the teachings of this lesson, especially applying the focus James gives to wise living.

Personal Reflection

As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
There is a wide chasm between the wisdom of the world and wisdom from God. What most tempts you to give in to the wisdom of this world? How does James’ epistle teach us to focus on heavenly wisdom?