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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Does the author of Hebrews identify himself?
  2. Summarize the opinions expressed about the author of Hebrews during the patristic period, the medieval period, the reformation period, and today.
  3. According to Eusebius, what did Origen (A.D. 185-254) say about the authorship of Hebrews?
  4. What was the general opinion about the canonicity of Hebrews during the patristic period?
  5. Was Hebrews included in the Marcionite Canon (A.D. 144)? In the Muratorian Canon (A.D. 170)?
  6. Why do the majority of scholars reject the Pauline authorship of Hebrews today?
  7. Describe the characteristics of the author of Hebrews.
  8. How does the lesson describe the Greek language of the Book of Hebrews?
  9. What was a “Hellenistic Jew”?
  10. Describe the original audience of the Book of Hebrews.
  11. Name the two key roman emperors that were probably in power during the period when Hebrews was written.
  12. What is the probably earliest date that Hebrews was written? The latest date?
  13. Describe the arguments given in the lesson for the earliest and latest probable dates for the writing of Hebrews.
  14. According to the lesson, did the author of Hebrews warn the readers to continue to be faithful under persecution because he was afraid they might lose their salvation?
  15. According to the lesson, what was the purpose of the author in writing Hebrews?
  16. When the author of Hebrews calls his book a “word of exhortation” (Hebrews 13:22), this was possibly a first-century technical designation for what, in contemporary terms?
  17. What Greek verb forms are used to make exhortations in Hebrews?
  18. What is the meaning of the Greek verb parakale? (related to “exhortation” as used in Hebrews)?
  19. What term is used to describe the literary style of Hebrews? What does it mean?
  20. Identify the meaning of the terms “synkrisis,” “exempla,” and “qol wahomer.”
  21. Describe the degree of religious freedom that the Christians had in the Roman Empire during the first century. How did this affect the Christians at the time?
  22. What are the “Dead Sea Scrolls”?
  23. Mention the topics dealt with in the Dead Sea Scrolls that are also addressed in the book of Hebrews.
  24. What does the document found at Qumram, called “11QMelchizedek” or “The Midrash on Melchizedek” teach about Melchizedek?
  25. Who was Melchizedek in the Old Testament?
  26. Summarize the main argument of the author of Hebrews for remaining faithful to Jesus.

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. What do you expect to gain personally from this course on Hebrews?
  2. Does the fact that we are not sure who is the author of Hebrews affect your confidence in its authority? Explain.
  3. Does the fact that some early Christians doubted the canonicity of Hebrews make you doubt its canonicity? Explain
  4. According to Hebrews 5:12, the original audience of Hebrews was immature. What are some areas in your spiritual life where you sense a need to grow?
  5. The original audience of Hebrews was persecuted for following Christ. Have you ever been persecuted for your faith in Christ? Explain.
  6. The author of Hebrews wrote to exhort struggling Christians to reject false doctrine and remain faithful to Jesus. What false teachings have you faced? Explain.
  7. Are there any teachings that sometimes confuse you about Jesus and the gospel, tempting you to abandon the Christian faith? Explain.
  8. What are some of the teachings of Hebrews that help you resist the temptation to abandon the Christian faith?
  9. If someone were to ask you why you still believe in Jesus and the gospel, when faced with so many other religious options, what would you say?
  10. What is the most important thing you have learned in Lesson 1?