Lesson 2, Activity 3

Further Study

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. What was the main purpose of the author in writing Hebrews?
  2. What is “eschatology”?
  3. Make sure you are familiar with the teaching of Hebrews 1:1-2. Note the explanation of the lesson about why these verses are important.
  4. Describe the results of Israel’s rebellion in the Old Testament. What countries did God use to exile the northern Israelites? To exile Judah? Israel suffered for five centuries under the tyranny of what nations?
  5. What were the Jewish communities expecting during the time between the Old and New Testaments?
  6. What did the Jewish people mean by the phrases “this age” and “the age to come”?
  7. Into how many stages did the Jewish people divide history? In how many stages would the Messiah bring the last days, according to the author of Hebrews?
  8. Explain in general terms how the author of Hebrews used the Old Testament. What theological concepts from the Old Testament did he refer to? Did he consider the moral obligations of the Old Testament still standards for God’s people in New Testament times?
  9. In whom are the Old Testament eschatological predictions fulfilled?
  10. According to the lesson, the author of Hebrews expected his audience to apply his book in three areas. What are they?
  11. How does the lesson respond to the concern that some passages in Hebrews sound like believers can lose their salvation? Explain how 1 John 2:19 helps answer this question.
  12. According to the lesson, does the New Testament teach that those who have saving faith in Christ will endure to the end?
  13. Note the five major divisions of the book of Hebrews and give a brief description of their contents.
  14. How does the author of Hebrews deal with the problem of excessive honor given to angels as glorious creatures that bring divine revelation?
  15. How does the author of Hebrews deal with the problem of the Jewish tendency to obey only what God had revealed through Moses?
  16. How does the author of Hebrews deal with the Jewish teaching that Melchizedek was a heavenly figure who would appear in the last days to offer final atoning sacrifices and usher in the kingdom of God?
  17. In what sense is Jesus’ priesthood of the new covenant superior to the Levitical priesthood of the covenant with Moses?
  18. In what sense is the new covenant founded on “better” promises (Hebrews 8:6) than the covenant with Moses?
  19. Describe the contents of Hebrews 11.
  20. Why did the Old Testament figures mentioned in Hebrews 11 not receive what had been promised?
  21. In Hebrews 12:1-3, what is the analogy of the Christian life?
  22. According to Hebrews 12:4-13, why should we endure hardship?
  23. According to Hebrews 12:22-24, what kind of Jerusalem have we come to?

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. What does Hebrews 1:1-2 mean to you personally? What does it tell you about the importance of focusing on Jesus and His revelation?
  2. What can we learn from the fact that the Jewish people did not understand exactly how the Messiah would usher in the last days?
  3. What can we learn from the importance that the author of Hebrews gave to the Old Testament? What has been your attitude toward the Old Testament? Has this lesson changed your attitude?
  4. Do you consider all three areas when you make application of God’s Word to your life (emotions, concepts, behavior)? Which area is weakest? How can you improve in that area?
  5. Do you believe that you can lose your salvation? Did this lesson help you understand the teachings of Hebrews about this? Does 1 Jon 2:19 help? Explain.
  6. Consider common teachings of other religions today. In what ways is Jesus superior to things they pretend to offer?
  7. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus is our royal high priest?
  8. What benefits do you claim personally under the new covenant?
  9. In what way do the faithful figures of the Old Testament mentioned in Hebrews 11 encourage you?
  10. What does Hebrews 12:1-3 mean to you personally? How does this passage help you live the Christian life?
  11. Does Hebrews 12:4-13 help you endure hardship? How?
  12. What difference does it make to you that Hebrews 12:22-24 focuses on the heavenly Jerusalem instead of the earthly Jerusalem?
  13. What is the most important thing you have learned in this lesson?