Lesson 2, Activity 3

Further Study

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. “The Book of Revelation is a little like a _______. It’s full of tiny prophecies that draw much of their meaning from other prophecies around them. And it’s message is most clear when the book is read as a whole, and see the big picture it’s drawing for us.”
  2. “John wrote the book of Revelation to encourage ______ Christians to remain faithful until Jesus returns.”
  3. What are the two types of messages to the seven churches in Asia Minor in the Book of Revelation?
  4. One of the purposes of the warnings of curses in the Book of Revelation is to teach the faithful Christians that “justice delayed is not ______ ______.”
  5. A second purpose of the threats of curses in the Book of Revelation was to warn Christians to resist ________.
  6. Dr. Mark L. Strauss says, ” The message of Revelation really is that this world is a stage on which a great _____________ is taking place, and our actions with regard to that battle are significant.”
  7. What phrase introduces the four large visions in the Book of Revelation?
  8. Write the titles of the four central visions of the Book of Revelation in their proper order.
  9. How is hope defined in the lesson?
  10. What is the meaning of the description of Jesus walking among the seven lamp stands?
  11. Who were the Nicolaitans?
  12. The lesson teaches that zeal is like fuel in the tank, but ______ are the steering wheel.
  13. Write down the unique aspect of the message given to each of the following churches.
    • Ephesus
    • Laodicea
    • Pergamum
    • Smyrna
  14. What is the “recapitulation” theory of interpretation of the Book of Revelation?
  15. According to the lesson, what does the scroll with the seven seals represent?
  16. According to the lesson, what do the seven trumpets represent?
  17. “While the visions of the seals and trumpets focused on divine judgments, the seven histories portrayed ___________.”
  18. Identify what each of the following items found in the seven histories represent.
    • The pregnant woman
    • The red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns
    • The beast from the sea
  19. The readers of Revelation from the first century would have associated the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth with ________.
  20. What does the seventh bowl of wrath represent?
  21. What does the Great Prostitute (also called Babylon) represent?
  22. Identify the concept of each school of interpretation of the thousand year reign mentioned in Revelation 20:1-10.
    • historic premillennialism
    • dispensational premillennialism
    • postmillennialism
    • amillennialism
  23. What does the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven in Revelation 21:9 represent?
  24. Match each view of interpretation of the Book of Revelation with its description.
    • preterism
    • futurism
    • historicism
    • idealism
  25. Identify the positive points of each interpretation of Revelation, according to the lesson.
    • preterism
    • futurism
    • historicism
    • idealism
  26. Identify the negative points of each interpretation of Revelation, according to the lesson.
    • preterism
    • futurism
    • historicism
    • idealism
  27. What is the view of interpretation proposed in the lesson?
  28. The lesson teaches that a key theme of Revelation is that “Christ’s life, death, resurrection and heavenly reign have made him _____________.”
  29. The lesson says that a key theme of Revelation is that “Christ’s complete victory over evil is ______.”
  30. The lesson teaches that a key application from the book of Revelation is that we are motivated to persevere under hardship. What reason is given?
  31. One of the similarities between John’s original audience and today’s audience is that many Christians face hostility from __________.

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. In what ways do you see Christians suffering persecution in the world today?
  2. How do you think the message of Revelation can encourage Christians who suffer?
  3. What do you consider some of the strongest temptations that Christians face today?
  4. How can the message of Revelation encourage Christians to face persecution and resist temptation?
  5. What is the most important teaching you learned in this first lesson?
  6. With which of the seven churches do you identify most? Why? What does the message sent to that church mean for you personally?
  7. The readers of the first century probably related the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth with actual political powers from their day. Can you think of other possible manifestations of the “beast” since the first century, or even in our own day?
  8. Can you think of ways in which the spirit of the “Great Prostitute” might be manifest in our own day? Explain.
  9. How did this lesson change your view of interpreting Revelation?
  10. How does the Book of Revelation change the way you feel about worshipping Christ?
  11. What is the most important teaching you learned in the whole second lesson?