The Pastoral Epistles
Lesson OneIntroduction to the Pastoral Epistles4 Activities
Lesson TwoThe Law and the Gospel (I Timothy 1:2-20)4 Activities
Lesson ThreeChristian Worship and Mission (I Timothy 2:1-8)4 Activities
Lesson FourThe Place of Women (I Timothy 2:8-15)4 Activities
Lesson FiveQualifications for Ministry/The Nature of the Church (I Timothy 3:1-16)4 Activities
Lesson SixQualifications for Ministry/The Nature of the Church (I Timothy 4:1-11)4 Activities
Lesson SevenAdvice to a Young Leader (I Timothy 4:11-5:2)4 Activities
Lesson EightWidows, Elders, and Slaves (I Timothy 5:3-6:2)4 Activities
Lesson NinePoverty and Wealth (I Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19)4 Activities
Lesson TenA Charge to a Man of God (I Timothy 6:3-5, 11-16, 20-21)4 Activities
Lesson ElevenThe Letter to Titus: On Christian Ministry (Titus 1)4 Activities
Lesson TwelveChristian Behavior (Titus 2)4 Activities
Lesson ThirteenChristian Salvation (Titus 3)4 Activities
Lesson FourteenTitus: Conclusion (Titus 3:9-15); II Timothy: Intro/Thanksgiving (II Timothy 1:1-7)4 Activities
Lesson FifteenGuarding the Gospel (II Timothy 1:8-18)4 Activities
Lesson SixteenSuffering for the Gospel - Part I (II Timothy 2:1-13)4 Activities
Lesson SeventeenSuffering for the Gospel - Part II (II Timothy 2:14-26)4 Activities
Lesson EighteeenContinuing in the Gospel - Part I (II Timothy 3:1-9)4 Activities
Lesson NineteenContinuing in the Gospel - Part II (II Timothy 3:10-17)4 Activities
Lesson TwentyPreaching the Gospel (II Timothy 4:1-22)4 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 58
Overview and Objectives
Lesson Overview
Who were Timothy, Titus and Paul? What were the historical circumstances that caused the author of the Pastoral Epistles to write these letters of admonition? In this lesson, Dr. Stott discusses the relevant circumstances in the lives of these men during this time. Giving special attention to Pauline authorship and the authenticity of the letters, Dr. Stott describes the reasons why Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus and the heresies with which the early church wrestled.
Lesson Objectives
When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
- Explain the historical setting behind the Pastoral Epistles.
- Answer key objections to the epistles’ authenticity and Pauline authorship.
- Articulate the purpose for each epistle.
Personal Reflection
As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Timothy’s mixed heritage (Greek/Jew) could have made him suspect among some Jewish circles. His timidity could have robbed him of his own confidence. What “features” of your background and/or personality may cause you to feel inadequate? How could God actually be using them as strengths in your ministry?
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