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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, what the story of the flood in Genesis reveals about God’s nature.


  • Edward Williford

    11/13/2022 at 18:52

    The story of the flood shows me personally that GOD will always love His creation, and as a farmer will prune off the rot from a tree to protect the tree, even if the only part that can be saved is a small cutting, GOD will do what is best for His creation and those who truly love Him according to His plan.

  • Joanna Parent

    11/12/2022 at 10:43

    God wanted to get rid of all the bad people of the world so the world can start fresh again with love and kindness. Tha shows that God does love the people of the world, He just tries to show us lessons with his actions.

  • James Meeks

    10/23/2022 at 11:22

    It reveals that God is aware of mankind’s actions and the consequences of those actions. Because of His holiness, God is not willing to allow man to continue down this path of destruction. Because of His grace, He is compelled to search out and save those whose heart is turned to Him.

  • Jie En Heng

    05/09/2022 at 20:24

    It reveals that God is perfectly righteous and just, since He cannot let sin go undealt with. It also reveals that God cares for creation and humanity deeply, not giving up on us, but desiring to renew and make us whole again.

  • Andrenne Daley-davis

    04/24/2022 at 22:46

    The story of the flood reveals that God is as much loving as he is holy. He saw the inevitable destruction of man so much so that he repented that he ever made man. All this happened after the interactions with the sons of god and the daughters of men. In an effort to preserve the bloodline of mankind and the total destruction of man by crossbreed (offsprings of the union of the daughters of men and the sons of god) the Lord saw it fit to rid the earth of them with a good wash of the earth. God loves everything that he created and made because at the end of each day he said that was good. Then one day those whom he charged with watching over us and protect us violated both his command and his creation in one act. When he found Noah he found hope to restore the untainted human being.

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