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Christian Learning Center Forums Explain, in your own words, what the story of the flood in Genesis reveals about God’s nature.


  • James E. Jones

    10/19/2021 at 20:43

    God abhors evil, and the human race was becoming more evil. Despite this evil, God found one man (Noah) and his family who remained righteous. So, to preserve the righteousness since God is righteous and we are created in His image, God decided to destroy the evil from the face of the earth. The story of the flood reveals that God is a God of righteousness, love and peace. He has no use for evil. The evil itself would have destroyed the world had God not sent the flood, while still preserving righteousness through one man and His family who were pleasing in God’s eyes. In a sense, by preserving this family and a pair of each species of animals in the ark, God was wiping out the evil and giving the world a new start for the human race. This was an act of love for those who loves God, worships, and honors Him.

  • Lavonda Mcspeden

    10/12/2021 at 17:26

    God wants to preserve the holy people god is love not hate

  • Stella Belda

    08/18/2021 at 23:11

    God is holy and merciful. He saw that there was so much evil in the world and he wanted to preserve mankind.

  • Larry Mccrary

    08/18/2021 at 11:02

    Still very hard to explain, but God saw the entire world had come to evil, and if God had not intervened with the flood, would have destroyed the whole world by their actions. God made a convenient with Noah, because he was good and show His rejection of violence.

  • Ahamefule Igbokwe

    08/08/2021 at 16:42

    It’s explains God holiness and attendant preservations of the good from ultimate destruction of the evil amongst human genealogy. That is God’s restarts humanity of the premise of the good that He found within/about Noah and his household.

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