Reading the Psalms
Lesson OneIntroduction to the Psalms3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoPsalm 233 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreePsalm 1033 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourPsalm 723 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FivePsalm 1373 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 180
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What was your view on studying the Psalms prior to enrolling in this course?
Tagged: OT020-01
What was your view on studying the Psalms prior to enrolling in this course?
Caroline Christopherson replied 2 weeks ago 54 Members · 58 Replies
I read the Psalms as a source of wisdom, thinking about they being sacred songs.
I thought i was going study how the psalms are the out cries to the Lord
We can take the words of these Psalms and use them as prayers. Psalm 139:1-24 has been the prayer of my life, to the God of my life. My view on studying the Psalms has always been very personal.
I was taught the importance of reading the Psalms and as a child, memorized Psalms 23, which always gave me a sense of peace whenever I recalled it. But, I wasn’t really taught how to study them for full understanding.
I just always read psalms but never thought of them other than mostly as David’s prayers to God.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Has anything in this first lecture changed your view of the Psalms?
Tagged: OT020-01
Has anything in this first lecture changed your view of the Psalms?
Delbert Essen replied 3 months, 1 week ago 48 Members · 52 Replies
I hadn’t thought about the Psalms as poetry or as being able to mislead people. I never read it to fully see the metaphors and that can be used as forces of good or evil.
What is written with imagination must be read with imagination. While I may have to put on an analytical mind when doing hermeneutics, exegesis or apologetics, this reminds me to listen to poetry, in particular the psalms, with my heart.
It also hadn’t occurred to me that the laws only set minimum standards for tolerable living, and that the poetry of the psalms rises above this social baseline to the highest, heartfelt aspirations to pursue God and good.
#Psalms -
The comparison of Psalms and the Law. The Law is the minimal requirement of the lawgiver but Psalms is the ideal. Indeed moral and ethics are higher than law. I also like the statement “whatever is written in imaginations must be read in imaginations”. I am looking forward to reading Psalms with an imaginative lens.
The statement “superficial interpretations can turn into dangerous traps” really spoke to me. Too often we can read a psalm or other Scripture reference and interpret it in a way that fits our own desires or needs. Having a clear understanding of the psalm’s message is crucial in developing a strong understanding of the intent.