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Christian Learning Center Forums Jerusalem stands at the center of the land of Israel. Why was this important in biblical times?


  • Ken

    11/23/2022 at 13:30

    When God established the king position for Israel, He wanted all of Israel to benefit from the office, so a centralized capital would seem to suggest equality for all Israel. But even more important, when God chose Jerusalem as His dwelling place on earth, a central location meant equal access for all of Israel and it was symbolic in that all Israel was to give God central place in their lives.

  • Beth

    11/03/2022 at 22:54

    Jerusalem was where the temple stood. It was a central focus of worship for the Jewish people. When they made their journeys for the three festivals that required travel, they travelled to Jerusalem. Jesus was dedicated in the temple there as well.

  • Lauren Dashineau

    09/06/2022 at 16:39

    Location-it is centred between east and west, it is at the top of a mountain ridge giving visibility for defence purposes and making it difficult to attack because of its height from the surrounding valleys. However it is primarily because this is the site chosen by God for his city through h servant David.

  • Gary Gary ward

    08/28/2022 at 15:39

    to stand as a focus toward the Lord, to help keep people together.

  • Mike Fox

    08/16/2022 at 15:37

    Geographically equal accessibility for all the tribes. Defensibility, by having to go through the land to get to it.

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Christian Learning Center Forums What do you think Joab experienced as he fought in the water tunnels to take the city of Jerusalem?


  • Gary Gary ward

    08/28/2022 at 15:36

    a little fearful i think.

  • Mike Fox

    08/16/2022 at 15:38

    Heightened sense of anxiety. Excitement.

  • Scott Goldbach

    08/03/2022 at 10:10

    I can only imagine what Joab was experiencing. Winding dark tunnels, while this may have been the best approach to enter the city of Jerusalem, one wonders how he would have known which way to turn to accomplish his goals.

    It is said that Joab was King David’s closest nephew and that he would go on to command King David’s army. I’m not sure such an excellent military leader, skilled fighter, and tactful strategist would have experienced fear in the same way you and I would have.

    God was with him.

  • Stacy Brickell

    07/30/2022 at 12:04

    I think He experienced a wide variety of emotions and feelings, including Divine Inspiration.

  • Ken

    07/22/2022 at 05:46

    Given that attacking via the outside city walls was not a realistic option, I cannot help but think that as a military commander, Joab was very well aware of the dangers. I’m sure he was aware of the danger in fighting in such a confined space and concerned for the safety of his men. But, he was committed to the goal and, as mentioned by some of the comments below, he was obeying his King and his God. So, he moved forward with the conquest.

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