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Review the lesson glossary terms below. Glossary terms may be included in quiz questions.


Biblically the name both of the people and the land is derived from a forefather named Canaan (Ge 10:15-18). Canaan, as first used by the Phoenicians, denoted only the maritime plain on which Sidon was built. But in the time of Moses and Joshua, it denoted the whole country to the west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea.


Biblically the name both of the people and the land is derived from a forefather named Canaan (Ge 10:15-18). Canaan, as first used by the Phoenicians, denoted only the maritime plain on which Sidon was built. But in the time of Moses and Joshua, it denoted the whole country to the west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea.

Cushite Woman

Moses’ wife is thus referred to by Miriam and Aaron (Nu 12:1). As a Cushite, she would be a descendant of Cush, the eldest son of Ham, and grandson of Noah (Ge 10:6). The habitat of this tribe was Ethiopia, Nubia, or Sudan.

Cushite Woman

Moses’ wife is thus referred to by Miriam and Aaron (Nu 12:1). As a Cushite, she would be a descendant of Cush, the eldest son of Ham, and grandson of Noah (Ge 10:6). The habitat of this tribe was Ethiopia, Nubia, or Sudan.


(Defilement) Among the Old Testament Jews there were five kinds of potential defilement: (1) Physical (SS 5:3); (2) Sexual, either moral or ceremonial (Lev 18:20; 15:24; 1Sa 21:5); (3) Ethical (Isa 59:3; Eze 37:23); (4) Ceremonial, which meant to render oneself ceremonially unclean so as to be disqualified from religious service or worship (Lev 11:24; 15:19; 22:6); (5) Religious, which was concerned with the heart attitude toward the Lord (Nu 35:33; Jer 3:1; Mal 1:7, 12).


(Defilement) Among the Old Testament Jews there were five kinds of potential defilement: (1) Physical (SS 5:3); (2) Sexual, either moral or ceremonial (Lev 18:20; 15:24; 1Sa 21:5); (3) Ethical (Isa 59:3; Eze 37:23); (4) Ceremonial, which meant to render oneself ceremonially unclean so as to be disqualified from religious service or worship (Lev 11:24; 15:19; 22:6); (5) Religious, which was concerned with the heart attitude toward the Lord (Nu 35:33; Jer 3:1; Mal 1:7, 12).

Kadesh Barnea

(Hebrew “holy ‘city’ of Barnea”) – An oasis region made by the presence of four springs. This multiple spring area was the largest in the Negeb-Sinai district and was located approximately 50 miles southwest of Beer-sheba and about 50 miles from the Mediterranean coast.

Kadesh Barnea

(Hebrew “holy ‘city’ of Barnea”) – An oasis region made by the presence of four springs. This multiple spring area was the largest in the Negeb-Sinai district and was located approximately 50 miles southwest of Beer-sheba and about 50 miles from the Mediterranean coast.


(Midianites) The name of the land and the people who comprised it; the name came from a forefather named Midian (Ge 25:1f). The boundaries of the land although indefinite were generally east and southeast of Canaan (Ge 25:6). The Midianites were semi-nomadic in early Bible times.


(Midianites) The name of the land and the people who comprised it; the name came from a forefather named Midian (Ge 25:1f). The boundaries of the land although indefinite were generally east and southeast of Canaan (Ge 25:6). The Midianites were semi-nomadic in early Bible times.


(Moabites) The name of the land and the people who comprised it came from Moab, the eldest son of Lot (Ge 19:37). The land was east of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The core of Moab was located between the Wadi Arnon and the Wadi Zered.


(Moabites) The name of the land and the people who comprised it came from Moab, the eldest son of Lot (Ge 19:37). The land was east of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The core of Moab was located between the Wadi Arnon and the Wadi Zered.


(Hebrew “mishkdan”) – The movable, sacred tent-temple which Moses had erected for the service of God, according to the pattern that the Lord gave to him on Mt. Sinai (Ex 25:9; Heb 8:5).


(Hebrew “mishkdan”) – The movable, sacred tent-temple which Moses had erected for the service of God, according to the pattern that the Lord gave to him on Mt. Sinai (Ex 25:9; Heb 8:5).