Subscription Options | Our Daily Bread University

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Please note that the pages are available to our subscribers only. Unlock your access to a wide range of learning resources by selecting one of our subscription options below.

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Subscription Options

Our Premium subscription is $12.95 per month and gives you full access to over 250 of our courses, as well as Completion Awards, Learning Paths, Learning Groups, Assessments, Discussion Questions, and more!

Course Library

Gain access to an expansive course library that includes topics such as Spiritual Growth, Leadership, Counseling, Biblical Studies, Apologetics, and much more.

Learning Paths

Not sure where to start? Our Learning Paths are specially curated collections of courses designed to help you reach your goals, whether you want to grow as a leader, deepen your spiritual bond with God, or engage with the Bible at a deeper level.

Learning Groups

Learning Groups are a great way to engage with ODBU. Join groups of like-minded students and discuss courses with them, post about things you’re learning, and ask questions!

Check Your Understanding

Prove your mastery of a lesson by passing short quizzes. Use multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false questions and more to test your knowledge.

Completion Awards

Receive a completion award to demonstrate your understanding of a course.

Certificate Programs

Earn a certificate to deepen your Bible knowledge and strengthen your leadership skills. Explore the Bible, develop ministry expertise, and gain practical tools!


Reading the Proverbs
“This course was very well laid out, and the presenter did an excellent job. It was very helpful to be able to print out the transcripts so that I can keep this information close at hand as I try to live it out.”
— Kristina, Canada
Finding and Following Your God-Given Calling
“Dr. Ward covers a very practical issue, and includes areas like money and accountability which some people may have neglected. She shares not only theory, but has some examples from her own life or her contacts.”
— Leong, Singapore
Coping with Loss
“This course provided a good foundation for reflecting our grief and our relationship with God. I enjoyed the books recommended for further reading.”
— Troy, Australia
Prayer Basics
“An insightful course for any level of believer! There’s pearls of wisdom everywhere even if you’ve been praying for a long time. My biggest learning is what a privilege prayer is.”
— Michelle, South Africa

Ready to start your Premium subscription? Choose from the subscription options below.


7 days free

Then $12.95 per month

Full access to Premium content. (Must have a paid subscription to access Completion Awards.)




Monthly plan



3 months

SAVE 15% off monthly plan





SAVE 20% off monthly plan

If you’re a group looking to purchase multiple subscriptions, use the Group Subscription option to purchase subscriptions all at once and study together!

Buy a subscription for a friend.

Buy multiple subscriptions.

*The prices listed above are in U.S. dollars. The following currencies are accepted: SGD, LKR, EUR, GBP, CAD. Based on your GEO location, the system will automatically adjust the currency at checkout.

**AUTOMATIC RENEWAL TERMS: Once you subscribe, Our Daily Bread University (ODBU) will automatically process your subscription fee in the next billing cycle. ODBU will continue to automatically process your subscription fee based on your plan until you cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Manage your subscription from your account page.