Old Testament Field Guide | Our Daily Bread University
Old Testament | OT231 | (4.76)

Old Testament Field Guide

The Old Testament Field Guide will provide a great framework for your journey through the Old Testament as we explore the Bible’s geographical, historical, cultural and religious contexts. We’ll put tools in your hands that you can use throughout your journey of interpretation.  And you will watch your own confidence and competence grow when this foundation is laid.

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The Old Testament Field Guide will prepare you to start down the path of deeper engagement with God’s Word. 

Maybe you’ve read the Bible before but feel a little unsure of the names and places in the Old Testament. Perhaps you’re uncertain about the behavior of God’s people and may even feel unsure of how to make sense of who God is from the text. Is He really the same loving God presented in the New Testament?

Explore the Bible’s geographical, historical, cultural and religious contexts of the Old Testament. Gain tools you can use throughout your journey of interpretation. And watch your own confidence and competence grow with this new foundation.

If this is your first course in the Bible Journey curriculum, you must first visit the Journey Prep page to understand the background, history, and terminology we will use in the courses.

  • Become familiar with the names, places, and key events in the Old Testament, enabling you to approach the text with greater confidence.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural contexts that shaped the people of the Old Testament and their actions.
  • Develop a clearer understanding of God’s nature as depicted in the Old Testament, resolving questions about His consistency with the God of the New Testament.
  • Be equipped with essential tools for interpreting the Old Testament, empowering you to extract deeper insights and meaning from the text.
Course Rating: 4.76
Based on 47 reviews with the most recent from 6 days ago.
  • Well worth doing. Gave me much greater insight into the OT. The sections dealing with its impact on societies throughout the ages confirmed my belief in its divine origin & ageless appeal. No other single work of literature has had the impacts that the Bible has had.

    — Andrea, Australia
  • This course was just a good balance between God-given common sense and just a little pinch of just the right amount of relative theology. Very well explained not overly complicated!

    — CC, United Kingdom
  • Corso Didattico sull'AT di ampia ed accurata visione dei contesti geopolitici e culturali

    — Giovanni, Italy
  • This is an excellent course to help a new student, like myself, visualize the environment as I read the stories in the Old Testament. I had never thought about the climate or the topography of the land while reading the Bible stories. So, this course provides more information in my arsenal of facts to help me grow in my understanding of God. Thank you!

    — Patricia, United States
  • This course enlightened me for the journey. I am encouraged to remain open-minded and ready to be challenged in my faith along the way.

    — Patricia, United States
  • This course was exciting and easy to digest. There is plenty of opportunity to cross reference between course material and the Bible or other biblical resources for further clarification. The professor really breaks everything down well and clears up misconceptions.

    — Sherita, United States
  • A wonderful guide to the geographic, historical, and geopolitical context of the OT (the VR features are unexpected but well done), citing different parallel sources without deviating from Biblical themes (i.e., Who is your source of prosperity and security?) Neutral presentation of similarities and differences of Ancient Near Eastern texts and the Bible narrative with the purpose of highlighting the uniqueness of the OT (i.e., monotheism, borrowing pagan sources to extol the one true God) and its impact on humanity and society. The courses unfolds logically, leaving the listener wanting to come back to hear more.

    — Nancy, United States
  • Stay focused. The information you will receive is delightful.

    — Derrick, United States
  • Very good overview

    — Debbie, United States
  • This was a very informative course.

    — Marty, United States
  • Great course introducing things most Christians have never been subjected to unless in a theological degree program!

    — Marcia, United States
  • I found it very helpful.

    — Catie, United States
  • This course opened my eyes to things that I didn't realize or take the time to look at beyond what the Bible mentions.

    — Cory, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/23 Steps
Lesson Two
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/14 Steps
Lesson Three
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/17 Steps
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 3 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Memory Verses Scenarios

Tim Laniak, ThD

Course Provider

Bible Journey

Course content is provided courtesy of Bible Journey.