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Genesis, Part 1: Covenant Relationship Initiated

  1. Lesson One
    Creation of the World (Gen 1-2)
    23 Activities
  2. Lesson Two
    Royal Image Bearers (Gen 1-2)
    16 Activities
  3. Lesson Three
    Rebellion and Consequences (Gen 3-5)
    14 Activities
  4. Lesson Four
    Flood and New Creation (Gen 6-9)
    14 Activities
  5. Lesson Five
    Babel and the Scattering of Nations (Gen 10-11)
    13 Activities
  6. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    1 Activity
    1 Assessment
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


What do you think is the purpose of Genesis 1? When you hear “creation” does it immediately contrast with evolution? Does the Bible’s creation account speak beyond our faith and science debate? What did Genesis, which was written so many centuries before us, mean back then? Why does it emphasize the things it does and why do those emphases matter now

In this lesson, we’ll examine what is indisputably the most famous and influential creation account ever written. But it was not the only creation story available in the ancient world. We dig deep into the texts, we examine parallels from other cultures, and we consider what makes the Genesis creation account so powerfully unique for them and for us. 

So let’s get started.